Eves Drop

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Grayson's POV

"WHAT? Me staring at....... her?!" I shouted pointing at the door Y/n exited.

"Yeah bro I can see it from afar. I know what it is." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"What?!" I said getting irritated. I wasn't really staring at her, I was...... glaring! Yeah glaring at her!

"You want to start being friends with Y/n!" He said excitedly. That's what he was going to say? Phew thank god.

"Why would I want to start being friends with her?"

"Cause she is going to be ur new photographer for a long time now and it will be good if u guys get to know each other a little."

"Whatever E, Imma go on my break." I walked out, and as I was getting close to the door, I heard footsteps running away. I quickly opened the door and saw nobody. Maybe it was just in my head?" I just shrugged it off and went to the lunch room.

Y/n's POV

Once me and Trinity were out the door I felt Trin almost trip. "Omg Trinity u really need to tie ur shoe." I said chuckling.

"Ahhh sorry Y/n hold on would ya?" She said smiling. I nodded and waited till she was done tying both of her shoes just in case.

"I've been seeing u staring at her." I heard those words from the other side of the door and I quickly new it was Ethan!

"WHAT?! Me staring at...... her?!" That was definitely Grayson. I was getting curious on who they were talking about, so I started to listen.

"Y/n, what are u do-" I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth.

"I wanna listen to what the twins are talking about." I saw whispering to her.

"Ohhhh ok i see." She whispered back. "Like spies!" I chuckled softly.

"Yeah sure spies."

(I don't want to say the whole convo again so I'll do a bit of it)

We found out they were talking about me and about how Ethan thinks Grayson wants to start by being friends with me.

"Why would I want to start being friends with her?" The way he said it kind of hurt me to be honest. He didn't sound interested or even a slight of happy at all. Trinity notices and held my hand for comfort and I have her a small smile back as a thanks.

"Whatever E, imma go on break." We started freaking out cause we heard footsteps coming towards the door. We saw a room that was empty and quickly ran to it.

"He won't see us right?" I asked Trinity kinda getting nervous.

"No I don't believe so." I sighed in relief as I heard her say that cause it kinda got me calmed.

We took a peek outside and saw no Grayson. I was relived. But then I remembered what he said which brought me back to my down face.

"Hey Trinity u go ahead I'll catch u later ok?" She looked at me with sad eyes.

"Are u sure Y/n? I can stay with u if u want?" I was grateful to have a new friend like her, she seemed sweet, kind, and caring. I shook my head no.

"No it's okway I'll catch u in the editing room ok?" I said forcing a smile on my face.

"Mmmm Okway but don't forget about me!" I chuckled at her for her angry pout.

"Of course i won't. Bye Trin." I said waving off.

"Bye Y/n, please get better Y/n." She whispered the last part.

I stared walking back to the shooting room where I see Ethan on his phone looking at photos. "Hey E." I said not sounding like myself.

"Oh hey Y/n. U ok?" I shrugged at him not saying anything. "Hey whats bothering u? U can tell me u know?"

"I actually have something to ask u Ethan." I said looking down at the floor avoiding eye contact with him.

"What is it? U can ask me anything." He said, he sounded so caring it made me blush a little.

"Umm I was just going to ask.......... why doesn't ur brother like me?" I looked up a little to see Ethan kinda shocked.

"Hey um Y/n, why would u ask that, like I understand that he can be rude to u at times but why ask right now?" I finally looked at his eyes. He could see what I was sorta telling him.
He looked down guilty. "U heard what he a few minutes ago didn't u?" I nodded my head and next thing I knew I was engulfed in a nice hug.
"Y/n I'm sorry u had to hear that ok? Grayson is mostly like this to everyone, but once he gets to know u, he will start to like u. For example, when Trinity started working here, he acted the same way he's treating u. Don't worry, u guys will be friends in no time."

"Really?" I said looking up at him.

"Yes. Really." We both smiled and started at each other. He had nice hazel eyes they were very pretty. I liked them a lot. I realized I was staring and did a fake cough and backed away.

"Um thank E, for what u said, now I kinda feel better." I said reassuring him.

"Of course Y/n no problem." He said smiling.

"Well, imma go get my muffin now. See ya later Ethan." I waved off and went out the door.

Ethan's POV

Ok to be honest I don't why Grayson is acting like this, he kinda usually gets use to people at least after two weeks and Y/n has been here for about four weeks already and nothing. Is there something special about her or something? Man I don't even know and I'm his twin. Man Y/n, out of all days why did U have to eves drop today?

Hellooooo have a great rest of ur day and thnx for reading!!💜💜

The Model and PhotographerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon