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Ethan's POV
I woke up hearing my phone ringing, I decided to ignore it. It rang again, but then I thought it could've been Y/n! So I looked at the contact but it was just my brother.

"What is bro?"

"Yo E where u at?" I was confused for a second then remembered that I was going back to work today! And see Y/n.

"What the hell bro why don't u wake me up?"

"Cause u looked like a little baby." He said making a sound like he was looking at a baby.

"Ugh whatever, I'm going now."

"Okay but hurry cause I lost my towel and water and I need u to bring those two things to me before the next shoot start k?"

"Are u fuc- uggghhhh" I groaned after he hung up on me. He just can't do things himself can he? I quickly got dressed and and ate a quick breakfast. I really wanted to see Y/n first but I had to go meet my brother first.

"Hey Ethan u are back!" I heard Mr. Kim say as I walked by him.

"Um yes sir I am, may I ask where my brother is?"

"Yes he is in the shooting room." I quickly nodded still having the towel and his dam water he can't get himself.

"Oh hey Ethan!" I turned to be met by Trinity.

"Oh hey Trinity!" I smiled at her.

"Are u looking for your brother?" She asked.

"Yeah he's in the shooting room right?"

" Um yeah but I wouldn't go in there right now." Then she walked away. Awe man I thought Is he making out with the models again? I cleared my head as I thought again. Wait a minute, he wouldn't do it in the shooting room. I started walking there faster. I opened the door hopefully not going to see what I don't want to see.

"Gray I brought your stu- uh." I saw her. I saw Y/n on the white wall with a hint of blush. I just stared at her and didn't realize that Grayson took the stuff from my hands.

"You guys are.....twins?" She asked looking confused.

"Yeah we are twins Y/n" I said. Then she face palmed herself.

Y/n's POV
I looked at them so confused on what was happening. Ethan was the nice one and Grayson was the jerk one. They were related. Brothers. Twins. WHAT THE HELL.

"E-ethan I-I am so s-sorry. I didn't know." I said when I was about to tear up. I felt so bad for texting Ethan the way I did yesterday. It was his brother who was acting like a jerk not him.

"Hey hey it's okay u didn't know. Don't apologize." He have me a gentle hug as I calmed down. I get hurt easily when I hurt someone else that did nothing wrong.

"I'll make it up to u, I will buy u a drink, a dessert, breakfast, lunch, dinner whatever u want just name it." I said. He started to chuckle and that got me to smile a little.

"Y/n don't worry about it okay? But it would be nice if we went out to go get a cup of coffee later yeah?" He asked with a smile and nodded.

"Ahem. U two done now? We gotta start the shoot."

"Yeah okay well I will see u later 'Ethan.'"I said while quoting his name. I heard him laugh silently.

"Well actually u will being seeing me cause I'm the person that holds his dam towel and his water bottle."

"Ohhhh so you're the person who does that job huh?"

"Yup! That's me." He beamed while posing at himself with two thumbs. I laughed at that and glanced at Grayson real quick. For some reason he gave a glare to Ethan, but I just shrugged it off.

"Ooohhhh u guys are here already. Good! Let's start now!" We all heard Mr. Kim shout.

"Yes sir!" All three of us shouted back at him.

I started getting my camera ready when I heard Ethan whisper a good luck to me. I blushed a little and hid my face behind the camera so he couldn't see me. But for some reason I felt another pair of eyes on me.

Grayson's POV
Does she like my brother or what? I swear I see her blush a little every time he says something sweet to her. To be honest it's getting annoying. "Alright Y/n! Hurry up let's start shooting!" I finally got her attention when she was blushing.

"Coming Grayson!" She said as she started walking my way. Why did she always look so shy? It kinda made me chuckle how she was walking while looking a little down and when she looked at me with her eyes, I quickly glanced and looked away.

"Alright u ready now or what?"

"Yes Grayson I am." She said while giving me a little eye roll.

"Hey I saw that."

"Hm saw what?" Really acting dumb with me right now?

"Don't roll your eyes at me okay?"

"Ugh fine." She looked away real quick and I knew she gave me another. Ugh this girl.

We were halfway done with shoot, I just had to change into my last outfit. It was a nice Louis Vuitton suit that could be worth thousands. The people redid my hair and my angel wing dangling earring still looking good.

As I walked out, I could feel a lot of eyes on me. I ignored all of them cause I'm use to all this, but I'm not use to a new pair of eyes on me.

I turned to my right when I was still walking to the small stage and saw Y/n staring at me while walking. I decided to tease her a little so I winked and gave a small smirk. I was trying to hold in my laughter because she turned red. Then of course she hid her face.

30 minutes later

We finally finished the shoot and omg Grayson looked to hot that I'm pretty sure I was red, but good thing my camera was covering my face. When he winked and smirked at me. I couldn't help my cheeks turn red, it was so humiliating cause I knew he was teasing.

"Hey Y/n, do u wanna go grab a coffee before u head back home?" Why did I forget about that.

"Yeah sure! But don't forget I'm buying!"

"Ha alright alright, let's go before it gets to dark." I nodded and we started heading out.

Grayson's POV
I saw the two of the them walking out together. They said they were going to get coffee. Should I care? No. I was feeling fine with it right? Yup. Fine.

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