Finding a Job

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Y/n's POV
I was looking for a job in LA. I have been looking for one for a while and so far..... nothing. I work in a little cafe shop which is ok but does cover the rent. I loved taking pictures, so sometimes when I have time, i just take pictures on the beach and enjoy the sunset. As soon it got dark, I would go back home. Well it's not actually mine mine. I'm paying rent to stay there for a while and hoping one day i could buy myself a really nice house.

"Hey Y/n!" Oh yeah i live with my best friend named Lyssa. "So u find a job yet?"

"Nope not yet. But I still work at that little cafe downtown." I kinda looked down still feeling embarrassed.

"Don't worry u will find one I promise." I gave her a hug and said that I was going to go to sleep early. I went to go take a shower really quick and put on my jammies and said goodnight to Lyssa. I tried to sleep but I just couldn't. I kept thinking if I would ever find one. Like what my parents use to say, "If u stop looking, then u will never find it." So basically I can't give up on finding my job. So tomorrow I'm going to wake up early and make sure I get a job and pay good rent and hope some day I
will find a house for me, myself, and I!!

Hello guys !! This is my first story so I hope it's good so far!! By the way, y/n is 19 in here sooooo..... she young!!😂 so I'm going to stop now and keep writing more and sorry for short chapter but it will get longer😁😁!

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