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I didn't sleep much last night, I was up half the night crying and ranting about everything to Klaus, he's a good listener. At least that hasn't changed. However I woke up and found Klaus was gone, he left a note though, "Gotta do something. Text you when I'm done. Oh and I left a little something in the refrigerator" I read, I sigh and put it down. I walk over to the refrigerator and expect the worse, but it's filled with blood bag. "Right this is the new normal" I mumble to myself before grabbing one and drinking it.

I was about to leave for school when Klaus texted me, "Done that little thing. You're welcome to come over now. Someone's here that I'm sure you'd want to see" I read, I weigh out my options, school or go see Klaus and this person. Definitely Klaus. I grab my keys and dump my bag at the front door. I lock my house and make my way to my car and and drive to his house.


I pull up but at the same time Damon does too, "Damon?" I say catching his attention, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" he says crossing his arms, "I have all the time in the world for school" I say sarcastically, he rolls his eyes, "Relax. It's just one day. Besides Klaus invited me over" I say pushing past him and knocking on the door, Damon was at my side by the time the door opened to reveal Klaus.

"Ah. What a pleasant and unpleasant surprise" he says looking at me then at Damon who walks straight in. "You can go into the other room love, this won't take long" Klaus says sending saggers in Damon's direction, I nod and walk into the other room to see Hayley there. "Hayley" I say running over and hugging her, "Ro" she says hugging me back. I hit her arm, "Ow! What was that for?" she says, "Hello? Why are you here with Klaus?" I say sending her a what's going on look, "No! Not like that. Gross. I made a deal with Katherine-" she starts but I cut her off, "Bitch from hell. And let me guess, she used you, and you're a lose end now" I say, she nods, "Yeah. Klaus promised protection if I tell him what I know" she says, "But enough about that, why are you here?" she says with a playful smirk.

"We spent the night together" I say, Hayley's about to say something but I cut her off after realising how wrong it sounds, "Not like that. We're fr-friends. I need to talk to someone" I sigh stuttering on the friends part as if I don't want to say it. "About what?" she says her voice full with concern, "Just this whole vampire thing, I mostly cried, and he listened" I say, Hayley smirks, "What?" I say confused, "I think he likes you" she says, I shake my head, "As if" I say, my mind flicks back to when he confessed he fancied me, and didn't want anything to happen to me, and Rebekah saying he likes me, and the times we shared a kiss... or two. No. He can't like, I can't like him, but I can't help but think about him all the time.

"There's your answer" Hayley says smirking playfully, "What?" I say looking at her, "You dozed of. You were so thinking about him" she says, "Okay fine. Maybe I do like him. But I always have, I just didn't want to admit it. And now becoming a vampire those feelings are heightened and amplified, I'm just so confused Hayley" I admit looking down. She's about to speak when Klaus enters the room, my heart picks up, he smirks again, I shut up eyes, he knows, he heard. I'm screwed. I'm just gonna act like nothing happened, get over this.

"Now that he's gone. You can start talking" Klaus says to Hayley, "You're welcome to stay love. We'll be having food" he says gesturing to the other room, I look at Hayley and she nods, "Sure. I'm starving" I say, Klaus smirks "Excellent" he says.


The food was amazing, if Klaus cooked this, then he's an amazing cook. "So you're rested. You're fed. Your sister is here. Tell me about Katerina" Klaus says looking at my sister. "Most men get their power kick from torture and intimidation. With you, it's drinks and fine dining" Hayley says, "Well in your case, I favour hospitality over unpleasantness. But I have been known to change my mind on a whim. Where is Katerina?" Klaus says his tone changing, "You seriously think I know?" Hayley says cluelessly.

i need you » klaus mikaelson ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें