chapter fifteen.

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TW: mild violence


I choked on my water I had been drinking when I heard those words come out of his mouth. Is he out of his damn mind?

"Excuse me?" I say after composing myself.

"You heard me."


"I don't know what you really want me to say here... You know I'm seeing someone else," I sigh.

"Okay Ans I've given you multiple chances to admit that you're crazy for seeing that loser and to realize that we're meant to be, yet time and time again you prove that you're just a foolish little girl," he spits.

My eyes widen. Sebastian has never really gotten this hostile with me. The tone of his voice is grating, piercing through me and stabbing me right in the chest. Does he really think that of me? I know I shouldn't care, but when you spend years of your life loving someone... you take what they say to heart.

"I know you're hurt, and for that I'm sorry. But you've hurt me a hell of a lot more. You claim to love me and say that you're waiting for me to wake up, but turn around and cheat on me consistently. That's so much worse than anything I've done to you, and that's the main reason that I will never be with you again. I can't trust you. Also, Austin is not a loser. He treats me with nothing but love and respect. If anyone's the loser here, Sebastian, it's you." I say, taking a deep breath and trying to calm my nerves after my big speech. Sebastian looks even more upset after he hears what I have to say.

"Love and respect? Are you telling me you love this guy?"

I pause. Do I love Austin? I can't, there's no way... I've known him for such a short amount of time. I know I care for him, I really do. I know I could say those three words so easily. I feel it in my bones. But I can't say them. Not yet, at least.

"That's not the point of what I said, Sebastian. Stop trying to turn my words into something they're not and just own up to the fact that you fucked up," I tell him. He slams his fist on the table and knocks his glass to the ground. He gets up and walks over toward me, hovering over my shaking frame. What the hell is he doing? Does he really think it's okay to get in my personal space after acting so violent? He bends down to get to my eye level and grabs both of my arms, hard. He's inches away from my face.

"Just forget about the past. We belong together. I don't care about anyone else. Ivy was just easy. She was there. It doesn't matter when I love you," he claims, tightening his grip.

"Seb, stop you're hurting me," I whimper.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" He asks, lifting his brow. Is this some sort of game to him?

I twist my arm really fast as I release myself from his grip, grabbing my glass, and I throw water right into his face. I know it's not much, but it'll catch him off guard for a few seconds and I can go through the front of the restaurant. He can't touch me or cause a scene out there, as there would be news about it tomorrow. I grab my purse and run through the door, getting out to the front and acting calm and collected. I see a family look over at me and the daughter's eyes light up.

"Mommy! Mommy!" She shrieks, pulling on the sleeve of her mother's dress, "It's Anastasia Clarke!" She points me out. I smile and give a small wave.

"Honey, it's not polite to point," she says, "and I think she's probably out enjoying herself like us, so let's not bother her."

"I really don't mind," I speak up, crouching down to get eye level with the young girl. My mind flashes back to a few moments earlier when Sebastian did the same to me. I shake the thought out of my brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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