Game for Two

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Son Yejin POV

I lean on the wall by the main entrance of KBS. I see Choi Taejoon picks up his wife Shinhye from across the street, carefully holds her hand and guides her in their car that stops in front of the bar and driven by their driver. Two minutes after, Yumi walks into the building where I work and meets her husband right in front of the parking exit. She gets in the shotgun seat and they drive off, to their home in the suburb, I guess.

"Don't worry, your ride home is here," Bin startles me and smiles, handing a paper bag of hotteok.

"Thanks, but don't trouble yourself, I'm taking the subway."

"It's a rush hour in the subway. I drive a car. Where do you live?"

"That's why it's also a rush hour on the street. Why don't we sit somewhere while waiting for the traffic so we can both go home after?"

"I prefer my car. The worse the traffic, the longer I'll stay with you."

"Oh, then what's in for you?"

"Gotta know where you live, or I'll take the subway with you. I will be following you there just to make you safe."


"I'm not. I just want to know where to pick you up this weekend."

"Oh come on! We've been sitting together like for ten minutes and you already plan a weekend for us? Today is still Wednesday anyway."

"Just think it through. We can watch a movie or anything, Yejin... Yejin, right? It's written Yejin in your profile, what's your full name?"

"Call me Yejin."

"Yejin who? Should I call you my Yejin?"

I laugh hard again. This guy is really funny.

"Just, Yejin, for now. So, Bin, I heard you're a news anchor, which news program?"

He just smiles staring at me.

"Bin? Hello?" I wave in front of his face.

"Sorry, you're so cute when you laugh. I'm distracted."

I feel one, two, three, then more drops of rain on my cheek and hand. Oh no, it's raining. Heavy raining. We run inside the KBS building and I instantly pull my coat tighter because of the chill sensation on my skin from the of the droplets meet the air conditioner inside the building.

"Still insist to take the subway? Good luck waiting for the rain to go away or you can run through to the station half-mile from here."

"So, Yejin, I'm still curious about your name. Is it Wi-fi Yejin?"

"What? Wi-fi Yejin?"

"I kinda feel a connection with you."

"Oh my God, Hyun Bin!" I slap his arm, "that is the cheesiest line I ever heard!"

"Well, then I will just call you my Yejin."

"You're very persistent! My name is whateveryournameis Yejin."

"Then Hyun Yejin, it is."

"You're unbelievable. So I heard you're a player," I raise one eyebrow at him.

"Does that make you want to back off?"

"Of course not. Nice to meet you, player, I am the coach."

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