Takao x Deaf! Reader

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened in surprise and I turned to stare at him for a second. He just stared back at me emotionlessly. I put my bag down and sat down, Midorima then deliberately sitting across from me to sign easily to me while we ate.

I noticed the small tape dispenser next to his bento and put down my chopsticks to ask him about it.

"It's my lucky item," he explained, putting his hand on it for a moment.

"You like horoscopes?" I asked curiously.

He nodded seriously, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Cool!" I signed with a smile, my fingers flashy and fast. I wasn't that into horoscopes but they were interesting to read about. We kept talking until it was time for us to go back to class.

The next day, lunch came again after our first four classes. I said goodbye to my interpreter and he left to have his own lunch. After I packed up my things, I turned to Midorima, hoping we could have lunch together again but he was already speaking to a boy with black hair. I waited patiently until his lips stopped moving before I waved to him to catch his attention. He looked at me with a serious gaze, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

"Do you want to have lunch together again?" I signed to him, trying not to feel self conscious of the other boy staring at me as I signed.

"Sure," Midorima signed with a shrug. "Don't care."

I smiled. "Great!" I signed happily. Then, to be polite I signed, "Your friend wants to come too?" I pointed at the shorter boy.

I wish I knew his name. I only knew our teachers' names from when my interpreter signed them to me yesterday during each class, and Midorima's since he told me. But no one else bothered to introduce themselves to me or tell me the names of my classmates.

Midorima turned to his friend and said something to him, probably forwarding my invitation. The boy grinned and responded to Midorima, who then turned back to me.

"He says yes," Midorima reported with neat signs. "His name is Takao."

I nodded, turning to Takao and giving him a polite smile and a small wave, since he wouldn't understand the sign for hello. He flashed a smile back and started to say something, but his mouth was too fast for me to lip-read. I looked over at Midorima helplessly. Before I could even sign anything to him, he was already speaking to Takao, frowning in obvious irritation. Takao blushed in embarrassment and said a few words back before he faced me again and began speaking again, this time a bit slower.

"Nice. . . meet. . ." I read from his lips. Even though I missed a few words, I understood what he meant and smiled, nodding to him so that he would know that I was happy to meet him too.

"Let's go now," Midorima signed, his lips moving at the same time to communicate with both me and Takao.

I grabbed my bag from my chair and followed him out, Takao walking next to me. We all went into the cafeteria and found an empty table. Just like yesterday, Midorima waited for me to sit down first and then sat opposite of me. Takao sat next to Midorima and we took out our bentos, praying our thanks together before digging in. I watched them speak as I ate my food, catching a few words from their lips, but not many.

I saw the word 'gym' and what I thought was 'tall' or 'ball.' It honestly could have been either. And then 'team,' which I nearly mistook for the word 'meme' if I didn't see that Takao had showed his teeth, making the 'Ch' sound for 'Chīmu,' the Japanese word for team instead of pressing his lips together to make the 'M' sound. These were the things I had learned to distinguish from speech therapy for similar sounding words. It took a long time but I became pretty good at putting together what people were saying.

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