Saturday Morning

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The sun was streaming across the bed, illuminating Claire's curves and picking out bright blonde and red highlights in the hair fanned across the pillow.

I had not slept. Wiling away the night watching the rise and fall of her shoulders, ghosts of expressions shifting through her features in response to her dreams. If we were bonded I would know what she was seeing, but for now it was only my place to watch and guess.

Tonight I had to throw her fragile human body off a building, or there would be no more sunlit mornings. The whole world was spinning madly on when I would have given anything for it to stand in place for a few more hours.

My plan was to sneak out and hunt breakfast to bring her in bed...but I was frozen by my name being formed by her partly opened lips, and now it was too late. The long deep breaths of her sleep were breaking apart, becoming shallow as she stirred towards breaking the surface of consciousness.

I followed the line of sunshine with my hands, paying particular attention to the side of her neck, tracing circles around nipples that tightened in response, and the dip just inside her hip bones. I was rewarded with goosebumps emanating out from my fingertips, and the hot skin of her bare body leaning into mine.

Her eyes were still closed, but her eyelids were flickering and happy little noises vibrated from her as I covered her shoulders and neck with kisses. Reaching between her legs to see how happy those little noises really were. They were very happy.

It mirrored my own response.

So I pulled her back closer and pushed the evidence of my desire between her legs, not into her, but sliding along her petals so I could massage that spot as well as cupping her tender breasts. They bore sensitive badges of honor from last night's uninhibited explorations.

It has been so long since I had been with a normie I forgot how long it takes them to heal. Her breasts were not the only swollen and sensitive part. If only she could also give me a mark that would make me think of her every time I moved. Her gasp tangled with my moaning as my near painful need for her was stroked.

I was the big spoon to her gentle curves, fitting together perfectly, with the exception of the exquisite wet friction on one part. It did not take long before she began to tremble in anticipation of climax. I trembled with her, wanting her, needing her.

My hands wandered around to continue circling that pulsing little bean as I shifted my stroke to enter her tight, welcoming, sacred space.. Knowing she had to be tender from the last night, I moved deeply but slowly, luxuriating in the squeeze and tremor as her panting reached a fever pitch. I paused here, wanting to allow her to luxuriate in the pleasure of being on the edge, before moving again until she cried out in release. Nearly taking me with her.

Those waves through her subsided and built into something new as I filled and retreated with long, slow strokes. I moved my hand up to her breasts to roll her hard nipples between my fingers, and squeeze just a little too hard whenever I felt - and heard - her tighten and pant in anticipation of another climax.

Her arm had reached back and settled behind my neck, securing us together as my hands moved down to her hips and I drove her up and down with more purpose. Lost to the symphony of carnal sounds playing from both of us, yelling her name as our bodies tensed and crescendo'd together.

"I think I could die happily now." She murmured into the pillow, little shakes betraying the passage of pleasure rolling up and down her body.

They were the last words I wanted to hear right now. "Good morning to you too." I said instead, purring in her ear. She tensed around me and I wondered what I would need to do to prepare her for another round of delights. I could understand why other were creatures mated so quickly after the bond woke up, unless I was inside her I was wracked with a tornado of need.

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