"You weren't getting anywhere you piece of shît! I had to speed things along! Thomas and Shawn are dangerous individuals and they need to be stopped as soon as possible!"

Sam spoke up and Jordan raised his eyebrows over at him.

"So you just think that because you have a larger title than I do as an FBI agent you can just do whatever you want in MY station?"

"YOUR station? That's a laugh pretty boy when your Chief is right here"

Jordan was about to pounce on Sam again but I just crossed my arms over my chest and he immediately backed down.

"Jordan head back in to see Henry. Agent Nolan, please show me all that you have gathered on that board I saw Agent Holmes setting up"

They both nodded at me and I watched as Jordan head back to the interrogation rooms.

I don't see Dan anywhere so I'm assuming he's still with Liam.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt a headache coming on but immediately flinched as my bandaged nose shot up in pain.

Not only do my balls ache like a motherfûcker and my nose look like a blueberry but now I have a headache forming?

Can I please just catch a damn break?!

I forgot to pick up my damn prescription, I can't just leave no matter how much pain I'm feeling right now.

I took a deep breath as I made my way over to the board and leaned back against the desk that was nearby to listen to Sam.

"From what we've gathered so far, we have three possible locations where Thomas and Shawn may be hiding out. We also have a theory that all of them may be occupied as a way to distract us and waste time. If your station has enough men, we can spilt off into three teams and take them all down at once. Even if one or two of them are empty we will know for sure that there's nothing there and they can race to the place that is under the threat"

I'll admit, I don't think I could've narrowed the location down like this if the agents hadn't been here, even with how smart Spencer was I think he would've had a bit of trouble narrowing it like this on his own.

"By the way Chief, I'm sorry to hear what happened to Officer Reid. He was very valuable and helped us narrow down the locations. We originally had seven but he worked his magic and only got us down to three"

I stand corrected, Spencer Reid was the best damn officer I've ever had in my force.

"Thank you Sam. He was the best"

He pulled his lips into a straight thin line and pat me on the back before heading off to the other side of the room to speak with Angela and Dave who were flipping through piles of papers.

I caught sight of Arlene speaking with a very frustrated Kat and I raised a brow at how they were interacting.

It looked almost secretive, like they have known each other for a while and I could see Crawford looking over at them as well.

He noticed me looking then carefully approached me, trying not to interrupt them or cause too much attention to himself that could stop their interaction.

"That doesn't look suspicious at all"

The sarcasm in his voice made me raise a brow as I continued to watch them.

"My thoughts exactly. Keep an eye on them, I need to speak with Zayn and Louis really quickly then I'll have us all head back to the interrogation rooms to see what we can get out of those fûckers. I need a BOLO out for Austin Mahone as well. I have a feeling he won't be around Thomas or Shawn when things go down"

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