♪ 03. Dreams ♪

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One night, Erwin Smith was awoken from his sleep after he heard the sound of crying and sobbing from his daughter's room. He frantically ran up towards his daughter's room and found that her daughter is hiding under her (f/c) blanket. Erwin walked closer to her daughter's bed then he sat on the edge of it before he placed a hand on his daughter's head.

"Angel, what's the matter? Nightmare?" Erwin asked his frightened daughter in his gentlest tone. He lightly patted on his daughter's head to calm her down.

"A big monkey threw something at you and uncle Levi, then giant creatures stomped on aunt Hange and some chewing on uncle Mike's legs." (Y/n) explained between her sniffles. (Y/n) threw her blanket away and jumped to Erwin's laps. She is now whimpering like a lost puppy.

"Oh no... That must be scary, Angel." Erwin slides his hand over his daughter's soft cheek. "But, daddy's here right? No one is hurting daddy or your aunt and uncles. You are safe here, (Y/n)."

"...I want to sleep with you now, daddy. I don't want to sleep alone." (Y/n) still pouted while still letting out several sobs. To her, the dream, or rather the nightmare, she just had was very traumatizing. She doesn't want anyone to hurt her family.

"Alright, Angel." Erwin patted his daughter's head one more time before lifting her up and taking her to his bedroom. 

Erwin gently placed his daughter next to him and tucked her in. (Y/n) is still rubbing her eyes but Erwin carefully took her hands and gave them quick kisses. He told his daughter how rubbing her eyes too much won't be nice and that she will hurt her eyes. (Y/n) then moved closer to her father and wrapped her tiny arms around him. Erwin chuckled then hugged his daughter lovingly.

"I can't sleep, daddy." (Y/n) murmured, having difficulty in going back to sleep after the nightmare.

"Alright, let's see... Should we get you a warm glass of milk? Or... Bedtime stories?" Erwin patted (Y/n)'s head softly as he suggested. Truthfully, Erwin is feeling a little fatigued from his work that night but to him, (Y/n)'s feelings and well-being are far more important. He wants to make sure that (Y/n) knows just how much she is loved by her father. Maybe, not everyone will be on her side and love her. But, her father will.

"(Favorite milk) milk!" (Y/n) cheerfully replied. She tilted her head and then asked her father again, this time with a polite manner. "May I get a warm (favorite milk) milk, daddy?"

"Yes, you may. Now, let's go make one." Erwin climbed out of his bed and carried (Y/n) again before wearing his blue slippers.

Now, some may wonder why didn't Erwin just call someone to make the milk for (Y/n). They do have several people who work in the Smith's residence, they are the household assistants. But, Erwin thinks that this time it would be better for him to make it himself. He went to the kitchen without waking anyone else up, make the milk, let his daughter take it, and returned to bed again.

"Thank you, daddy!" (Y/n) drank all the milk and felt her eyelids finally growing heavier. She yawned a little and then she jumped to Erwin's bed again. "You know... I love daddy this big!"

Erwin watched his daughter stretching out both of her arms to her sides and smiling as wide as she could. When she smiled, it always reminds Erwin of his late, beloved wife. (Y/n), by appearance, is no so similar to his wife, to her mother. But, her gestures and smile and how she carries herself sometimes are very much like her mother.

Sometimes, Erwin wondered how things would be if his wife were still alive. He always feels like he has to be extra in showing his care and love for his daughter to make up for the missing mother's love. Of course, (Y/n)'s mother loves her very much, so much that she is willing to sacrifice her life for their baby. But she is not in the same world as (Y/n) now and (Y/n) can only see and know her through photographs and videos.

Erwin won't lie, at times, it is hard for him to watch videos and see photographs of his wife. But, he sets those feelings aside for (Y/n)'s sake. He doesn't want his daughter to grow up without knowing who her mother is. He hasn't taken (Y/n) to the cemetery yet. But, he plans to when (Y/n) is a bit older and he feels better.

"I love you too, Angel. Very much." Erwin gave (Y/n) a soft kiss on the forehead.

"I love mommy too. But, mommy is in some faraway place." (Y/n) added while yawning again. "Can't mommy visit us sometimes? She doesn't want to see me?"

"No... It's not like that, Angel. Mommy loves you very very much. But she can't be here with us anymore because she now lives somewhere up there in the sky among the stars. Maybe, you will meet her when you are very old. Don't ever forget this, she might be somewhere far away, but she always watches over you from up there." Erwin reassured his daughter.

"I'm sorry, daddy."

"What for, Angel?" Erwin could feel his heart dropped when his daughter suddenly apologized to him.

"You miss mommy too, don't you?" (Y/n) showed Erwin her big blue eyes.

"Aww, Angel... Yes, daddy misses mommy too. Every day. But, whenever I see you smile. You always remind me of mommy." Erwin placed his hand on (Y/n)'s cheek. "Now, you should go and sleep, (Y/n)."

"Yeah... Thank you, daddy..." (Y/n) nodded and then she slowly closed her eyes. Soon, she is finally drifted into oblivion and snores softly. The nightmare is no longer haunting her and Erwin made sure to hug his dear daughter while they both are sleeping.

Truly, Erwin is grateful that at least, (Y/n) is still with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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