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Who do you go to the movies with?


Aries - Maki Harukawa(she was bored so she went with you.)

Taurus - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (you forced him to go with you and he pouts the whole time.)

Gemini - Hiyoko Saionji (and she makes fun of you the whole time.)

Cancer - Makoto Naegi (he asked you out and you said yes. :))

Leo - Monaca Towa (no reason she just asked you for no reason.)

Virgo - Chihiro Fujisaki (he wanted to go with you.)

Libra -  Himiko Yumeno (she wanted ideas for a new magic trick.)

Scorpio -  Kirumi Tojo (you invited her out because she did so much for the group.)

Sagittarius - Ibuki Mioda (she forced you to go with her.)

Capricorn - Byakuya Togami (...He's interested in you, is all.)

Aquarius - Jataro Kemuri (no reason. He just went with you.)

Pisces - Nagito Komaeda (Your his girlfriend and he took you out for a date. :))



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