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After school I was going to meet up with Stan,Richie,and Eddie at the quarry. We were just going to hang out and try not to think about killer demon clowns. I rode my bike there and waited.Stan showed up second.
"Hey Stan,"I greeted him as he hugged me.
"How you been holding up?"He asked. Luckily I didn't have to answer because Richie showed up with Eddie.Richie went in for a hug while Eddie just sort of glared awkwardly.
"Who wants to get in first?"I asked taking off my sundress.bThe boys followed my lead. Everyone jumped in. It was freezing.I giggled at it.b"Warm me up Edds,"I joked.
"God you are needy Y/N,"He said glaring at me.
"Oh sorry,"I told him feeling tears in my eyes. I went underwater to calm down. When I came back up Stan took my hand and led me out of the water.
"Are you okay?Eddie is just being prissy"He said.
"I'm fine,"I lied going back to the water.

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