Hospital Runs

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6:00 am
I got up and took a really long shower. And I mean really long like an hour long. It was just one of those mornings. I got out did my hair and makeup and got dressed.

I really hope I don't spill something today cuz that would be tragic

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I really hope I don't spill something today cuz that would be tragic. I pulled on my white off-white Jordan 1's and went to the kitchen. The house was a mess from the party we had last night. The kitchen looked like a tornado hit it. There was empathy white claws and all sort of bottles laying around everywhere. The were red solo cups laying everywhere. If you walked into this without knowing its the Hype House you'd think that you just walked into a private University's frat house. Our pool was absolutely trashed. I'm gonna be honest i don't even remember what the party was for. Well we are teenagers with money to burn so the party might have been just for fun or it was to celebrate something. I don't remember. I was hammered last night. You might be wondering why I don't have a major hangover. Well I'm immune to hangovers. I could drink the whole night and I'd be fine the next day. Like what's a hangover never heard of it.

A/N Fun fact I'm actual immune to hangovers k bye.

No one was up yet and I don't think anyone is gonna be up for a while. See here's the thing they like to drink but they have the worst hangovers the next day. I went over to the cabinet to see if we had any Advil seeing that's the only thing they're gonna want when they get up. That and food. We didn't have any Advil or food so I decided to go to target and pick up some groceries. I'm not gonna cook for them today but I will tomorrow. I'm such a good roommate taking care of them all.

I grabbed a pair of keys of the wall and just walked out. I have no idea who's keys but I guess they're gonna have to be ok with it. Let's hope they don't freak out if they notice their car gone. All of our cars are expensive high end cars so anyone of us would freak. Plus we for some reason all love cars. I still had no idea who's car I was taking I clicked it and the teal Audi R8 light up. I guess I'm taking Nicks car today. It's fine he can take my car. We'll be even.

(I'm in love with his car )

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(I'm in love with his car )

Ive never actually been inside his car but I know how to drive it so I wont total his car. The inside of his car was so nice. He had red leather seats and black detailing. I looked over my shoulder at the back window and what I saw scarred the crap out of me. I completely forgot that Nick had a giant teddy bear in the back. There aren't any backseats so there was just a small space and the teddy fit perfectly. I thought it would be funny to but him in the passenger seat so I did. I buckled him in and backed out the driveway. I was driving down the road and so many people were honking at me cuz they saw the teddy in the front seat. Of course I got stuck in traffic because what's LA without traffic. I was stopped at a red light and a bunch of girls pulled up next to me. I guess they recognized the car cuz they started screaming Nick. I rolled down my window and they got really embarrassed.

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