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7:00 am

I woke up to a call this morning from my manager saying that I needed to get dressed and that I was going to a casting meeting later in the afternoon. It was only 7 am so I still had time to sleep in and let myself be a little lazy... that was until Alex, Thomas, Micheal and Paper came in jumping and screaming trying to make me get up. I assumed it was for their vlogs. They do this all the time just with different members. I just pulled my blanket over my head cause I didn't really wanna get up. That idea was quickly shot down when Micheal pulled out an air horn and blew it in my face. At this point i was realizing they weren't gonna eave till I got up.

Caden: why why does it have to be me? Can't you guys do this to Chase or Kouvr or Nick. You haven't bothered them for a while.
Alex: You know what she's got a point.
Thomas: Then off we go to their rooms.

To my surprise they actually left. I figured I might as well get up seeing as I'm wide awake now. I had a meeting day so I went and took a shower did my make up natural and blew out my hair i big waves. I put on a fully pink outfit cuz i wanted to feel like Barbie you know? Bringing out my inner Barbie. I put on some heels knowing that I was gonna regret it later but oh well I gotta look good.

I grabbed my phone and mini LV backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen

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I grabbed my phone and mini LV backpack and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I guess the boys ended up waking up the whole house seeing everyone was sitting in the kitchen looking. Like they got dragged out of bed (they probably did).

Mia: OOOoOOoO where are you going looking like that? *teasingly*
Caden: No where I just have a castings meeting later today and I wanted to feel like Barbie
Chase: Well you got the pink part down now all you need is a pink car.
Thomas: Doesn't Nikita have one
Alex: I think that was a rental
Caden: Ya and I wouldn't drive a pink car
Kouvr: Well either way you look amazing. Now can we please go get food I'm starving
Caden: ya sure who's driving
Micheal: You and Alex
Alex: Why is it always us?
Ryland: You guys have the biggest cars
Caden: touché les go

We all headed down to the garage and got in the G-wagons and started too pull out of our driveway. After driving for like 2 minutes I realized I had no idea where I was going. We had never established where we were going to get food.

Caden: Uh Kouvr?
Kouvr: what's wrong?
Caden: Where am I going exactly?
Chase: Aren't we going to chipotle
Caden: We are now. Text Alex

A few minutes later wee all pulled up to chipotle and made our orders. After we got our food and back into the cars Kouvr and Mia said they wanted to go to target for whatever reason. So we all agreed to follow along. We ended up buying $300 worth of snacks and other random toys Kouvr found. We almost didn't have enough room in the trunk for the amount of things we had. Once we all got settled and got back to the house we put everything away and got ready for the rest of the day. Obviously I was going to have a very busy day so I couldn't just hand around with them. It was around 9 am now and I figured I'd go out and pay my dad a little visit. I grabbed the keys to my white Ferrari and said bye to everyone and pulled out the driveway and headed to my dads house.

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