American Psycho

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...As I stared into his eyes I could hear everyone yelling and the girls cooing around us. It only registered to me who I was staring at when I heard Micheal yelling his name.


Excuse my language. 

I started noticing Thomas and Alex jumping around behind Vinnie. They were saying something but I wasn't paying attention.

Caden: Hi

He didn't even say anything he just smiled at me then ran out the front door. I just sat there not knowing what to do. I mean I've never had a boy run away after kissing them. Was it that bad of a kiss? No I'm a great kisser. I guess no one really cared that he ran out. Everyone was still screaming and jumping around.

I got off the counter and walked over to the front door. Maybe I should go talk to him. I opened the door and his car was still parked in the front so at least he didn't leave. I looked around and noticed him sitting on the ledge of the water fountain in front of the house. I walked up behind him and just stood there waiting for him to notice. He noticed I was there pretty fast.

Vinnie: uh...hi

Caden: Hey

Vinnie: sorry I didn't know what to do.

Caden: it's fine. I'd do the same thing if i got to stand between my crushes legs and kiss her.

Vinnie: really?

Caden: uhh no but you're cute so it's ok

Vinnie: thanks

Caden: you're supposed to tell me I'm cute too

Vinnie: oh ya sorry you're cute too

Caden: I knowww  (in a sing-song voice)

We sat there for a bit before I realized what he was probably thinking. I got up and walked in front of him. I just looked at him and gave him a smile before straddling his lap. He looked up at me shocked and started blushing. HARD. As if he became a different person it was visible he got a boost of confidence. He slowly trailed his hands up my thighs, along my hips, up my waist and back down to rest on my hips. He lightly tightened his grip and pulled me closer to his chest while keeping eye contact. I lightly draped my arms over his shoulders and just let them sit there. I slowly leaned down towards him and connected our lips. It wasn't rough or anything. It was just a really nice kiss. The ones you see in movies that give you butterflies. The ones that you never wanna stop. Those kisses. And my god you have not lived if you haven't had this type of kiss.

As I slowly pulled away he kept his hands on my hips and just looked at me then smiled. He started to wrap his arms around my waist to pull me into a hug. Once he was fully hugging me he leaned back and we fell into the water. I should have known he was gonna do that. I would have been fine with it if the fountain water wasn't freezing cold.


Vinnie: sorry i had too

We were sitting there laughing and freezing for a good minute until Vinnie stood up. He leaned down and picked me up bridle style. It was nice because he was all warm and cuddly. I didn't really want him to put me down. And he didn't. He stepped out of the fountain and started walking towards the front door while soaking wet.

Vinnie: Let's get you inside before you get sick.

Caden: Awww you care about me

Vinnie: Well I did just meet you and pulled you into a freezing fountain and have a slight crush

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