"Gael, that soldier friend of Ainsley's is here to see you."

"What? What does he want?" Even as she spoke, Gael was already reaching up to twist her hair back and tie it in place with her bandana, stepping around her crew to get to the door.

"Don't know. But he says it's about the princess."

That was all the encouragement Gael needed to take the steps down to the main floor two at a time, searching the tavern for a face she recognized.

He waved her over from a table near the corner of the room. She had barely taken a seat, other pirates filing in to stand or sit behind her, when he spoke, leaning over the table.

"You have to help her."

Gael blinked, then sighed. "Luca..."

The words tumbled one over another out of his mouth. "No, I'm serious. I'll help. I can get you in the castle and give orders to some of the men on your ship before we leave. I'll tell them the king has ordered them back. That'll leave the Finch easier for your crew to retake. And we'll go get Ainsley, bring her back here, and be gone."

Gael's heart pounded in her throat. Was it possible?

"I want this as much as you do—"

"No, you don't understand," he interrupted. "I got word from a few of the guards in the castle. They say the king wants her questioned. Hell, that was a day ago, so he's probably done it already. He's been driven mad with his anger. He won't stop until he's killed you and your whole crew."

Beside her, Nathe's fingers twitched on his scabbard. Dread pulsed in her chest.

"And he thinks Ainsley can tell him where to find us," she finished for him. Luca nodded.

"Exactly. He doesn't need her anymore. I do not think he'll kill her, but..."

His implication didn't need to be worded. Gael was already standing up again, gripping the edge of the splintering table.

"Alright. We need to leave as soon as possible."

Luca was standing as well, this time apparently unbothered by being among the pirates that surrounded him.

"Luca, Nathe, and I will retrieve Ainsley. I need the rest of you to take back the Finch and sail it to the nearest harbour outside of the king's city. Wait for us there—travelling to get Ainsley will take about a day if we move fast, and we need to leave swiftly, too. So be there by the time we need you."

Around her, people nodded, faces solemn. Despite the anxiety that made her insides quiver, she managed a smile.

"Come on. We don't have a moment to waste."

The Finch's masts stood empty and quiet against the sky, like trees stripped of their leaves. On board, the fires no longer burned, but several men stood in small groups on the deck, talking amongst themselves and apparently unconcerned.

From where they watched in a narrow alley, Gael turned to Ed.

"You'll need to row the Finch out to open waters so you can put up the new sails. Do you think you can manage that?"

The young pirate nodded. "We can do it."

"Alright. Luca, it's on you. Do you remember what to tell them?"

Luca nodded and left the group, walking purposefully up to the dock. From where Gael stood, he was no more than a smudge of chainmail armour, quickly finding a group of soldiers and engaging them in conversation. Her heart pounded in her chest—he had to succeed.

One of the soldiers called out to the others and gestured, speaking in words that Gael couldn't make out. As she watched, they followed Luca off the deck of the ship and down into the guts of the city, leaving only a few men aboard the ship. Luca didn't look in her direction, still keeping the soldiers occupied with whatever tale he wove.

She turned to her crew. "Alright, it's time for you to go take her back. Row her out to open waters and put up the new sails. Nathe and I will wait for Luca to find an opportunity to find us again, and then go retrieve the princess. You know where to wait for us?"

There were nods all around. Gael looked once more at the Finch, her second home, the place where she'd made her fondest memories, then reached for Ed, pulling him in close for an embrace and giving him a light clap on the shoulders. He pulled away, eyes downcast, but gave her a nervous smile anyways.

"You can do it. I trust you all. I'll see you in a day's time."

The crew began to move out, taking the narrow streets that led towards the docked ship. Gael turned back to Nathe, sighing and shoving her hands in her pockets. Anticipation tickled her veins.

"Nathe, find us some horses. I'll go search for Luca."

it's time for a daring rescue,,, but will they succeed? 👀 also, we're about eight chapters away from the end—it's getting close! don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts <3

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