Life is fragile

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                I still believe in fairy tales and soulmates and love .... and everything that is magic.  N.R. Hart

              Pearls dress was saved but the fragile rose wreath was destroyed in the rain. All that mattered was that everyone was safe. No, they were wrong.
    Where was Jannah?
       She had left though a side door to get a towel for Pearl and never returned.
   Everyone searched for her and found her body under a fallen ceiling.
            Why did this have to happen on Pearls wedding day?  It's supposed to be a happy day.  A fire can be put out but you can't bring someone back from the dead. 
        Someone else was missing. " Where's  Dylan?" She asked, with a shaky voice, not sure if she really wanted to know. "He's dead Pearl.  Your father had to kill him or Dylan would have killed him."  Pearl buried her head in Ammons shoulder and wept.  " This didn't have to happen.
           "It was jealousy and pride that drove him to this madness." Ammon said trying to help Pearl understand. " I heard his last word before he died. It was your name, Pearl." She cried even harder.
      Why  should she feel anything but contempt for a confused man that let the darkness in his soul get the better of him .
           He killed her mothers best friend and would have killed her father. He could have had his way with her and possibly harmed her unborn child.
      But she also felt sorry for him. When you choose to close yourself off to the light all you feel is hopelessness and fear. She wished she could have helped him but now it was to late. How were they going to get over this tragedy?
"Why does there have to be so much death and sorrow?" Pearl questioned, despondent.
          Putting a protective arm around her shoulders he tries to comfort her. "There doesn't have to be. There is life and hope and our love."
       Placing his other hand on her round belly. "As long as there are those three things in the universe everything will be alright."       She looked up into the sincere, loving eyes that were her lovers, her Twin flame.
       She felt in that instant that they will conquer what ever come there way.
             What ever that may be.

Wind Star a Star Wars story  part three The Solo Family  SagaWhere stories live. Discover now