A single tear for you

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I still believe in fairytales and soulmates and love.... and everything that is magic.  N.R. Hart

                 Pearl was getting more and more anxious when days passed and Ammon had not come home. She was trying as hard as she could to not get angry at her father for giving Ammon and his brothers such a difficult mission.  Ammon wasn't even allowed to touch a lightsaber! 
How was he to protect himself if the worst happens? She couldn't think that way. He was strong and smart and could take care of himself.
Then why were they not home yet? 

She was mad at herself for making the lightsaber proof  metal. But she was just a child and how could she be angry at herself for only doing what she had to do to survive. Little did she know then the repercussions of her actions. How it would effect so many of her fathers own Jedi and now some one she was growing to care about.  

She and Ammon had only a brief time together but since his departure she had time to think about him and came to the conclusion that she was falling in love with him.  She couldn't get his face out of her mind.
His smile when they laughed at a joke about his brothers, how his hair blew in the wind, and just how comfortable she felt when they talked. They were together for a brief few hours on that fateful day but she felt like she had known him her whole life.

She didn't care that he wasn't a Jedi. He was just a humble man trying to make his way in the world. When she was praying to the Force to help her see her path, her future, Ammon had appeared at that very moment. He was her future. A single tear slipped down Pearls cheek and her heart ached to see him again. He will be o.k. She knew it!

Wind Star a Star Wars story  part three The Solo Family  SagaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt