Part 71- Cute Relationships

Start from the beginning

"Yup, we only speak the truth and nothing but the truth." Prachi said jokingly, being dramatic.

"Is this 'pick on Riya day?' First, you and Auntie make fun of me and now you and Drishti di are making fun of me. This is so unfair, is this what I get for being a good person?" Riya asked dramatically, with a cute pout.

"Hawh, good person? Have you ever done one good thing in your entire life? The first time I met you, you tried to bully me and framed me for stealing. Please do tell, in what way are you a good person?" Prachi asked jokingly, in a light tone, letting Riya know that she didn't hold what had happened against her.

"Valid. That is truly valid reasoning. I don't think typical good people frame others for stealing. So please do tell us, Riya Mehra, how are you a good person? Even I am curious to know." Drishti said teasingly, in agreement with Prachi.

"I'm a good person because I apologized for everything. As good people do." Riya said with conviction, making a face at how both Prachi and Drishti had ganged up against her.

"You know what? If you guys want to keep making fun of me, then I'm leaving." Riya said pretend offended when Drishti and Prachi looked like they were going to burst out laughing, standing up for dramatic effect.

"Okay, okay, don't be so dramatic, we won't make fun of you anymore." Drishti said smiling, coming to stand in front of Riya. Prachi stood up too, shaking her head at Riya's antics.

"Yeah, this isn't some Indian soap opera, where every little thing has to be so dramatic. But if you're into being dramatic, I could look for some openings in a soap opera for you." Prachi said teasingly.

"Drishti di, she's still making fun of me, tell her to stop." Riya said in a whiney voice.

"Yeah, Prachi don't make fun of her." Drishti said mock sternly, winking at Prachi when Riya wasn't looking, making Prachi chuckle softly.

"Okay tattletale, I won't make fun of you anymore." Prachi said jokingly, making Riya whine a little.

"Now Drishti di, I believe congratulations are in order, Riu told me that you got a new job, that's awesome!" Prachi said smiling happily, remembering what they had come here for in the first place, she couldn't understand why it was so easy to forget about everything else that she needed to do when she was with Drishti and Riya.

"Thank you, I'm so happy that I finally got a job!" Drishti said happily, hugging Prachi.

Riya forgot about her whining, and looked at a happy Drishti, with a soft smile on her face.

"Yeah, congratulations Drishti di." Riya said joining the hug.

"Thank you!" Drishti said happily, hugging both Prachi and Riya tightly. All of them feel protected, safe, and loved. Truly at peace.

"You know, Riu made me pick this cake for you because she didn't know what kind of cake you liked since she hung up on you." Prachi told Drishti as they were now all sitting on the sofa together, Drishti in the middle of Prachi and Riya, a delicious chocolate cake laying open in front of them on top of the table.

"Yeah I know, she did hang up on me. That was very rude." Drishti said jokingly.

"Hey if I didn't hang up on you, you wouldn't let me give you this celebration. Plus its chocolate cake, who doesn't like chocolate cake, you have to be a monster to not like chocolate cake." Riya said in her defense.

"Well I guess, since I don't want to be a monster, I now like chocolate cake." Drishti said jokingly.

"Oh, you don't like chocolate cake?" Prachi asked disappointed.

"No, I'm just messing with you, I actually love chocolate cake." Drishti said honestly, side-hugging Prachi.

And so Drishti cut the cake and fed a bit to both Prachi and Riya. They also fed the cake to Drishti. But once it came time for Prachi and Riya to feed each other the cake, Riya thought that now was a good time to get revenge for all the teasing.

"This is what you get for teasing me, Pikachu." Riya said as she without warning smeared some chocolate frosting over Prachi's face.

"I will end you!" Prachi yelled with a gasp, picking up a piece of the cake, with her bare hand, leaning over Drishti to try to throw that cake on Riya, while Riya kept ducking Prachi, by using Drishti as a shield, sticking out her tongue to tease Prachi, every time she missed.

"Guys stop-." Drishti began to say trying to be the voice of reason, but stopped mid-sentence, feeling something sticky hit her face.

Prachi and Riya both looked at Drishti with an 'oh shit' expression, because as Prachi was trying to hit Riya, she accidentally ended up hitting Drishti.

Drishti remained silent, but she had a murderous expression on her face, getting the hint, both Prachi and Riya made small eye contact with one another, both deciding that it was better to run. So both Prachi and Riya got up and ran to the opposite sides of the room, taking cover behind objects and pillars.

"Oh, it is so on!" Drishti yelled coming out of her shock, standing up and grabbing a piece of cake with her bare hands, running after Prachi and Riya.

And thus, began the Cake War.

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