"Yeah" I smile thinking back to my excitement "I got the white dress to represent the future wedding we could have"

"I've gone through so much personal hell thinking about those memories" I see Judys face go dark "He would always 'beat the gay' out of my when I was looking at our old photos....he burned them all"

"I still have them beside my bed" I sigh for what feels like the millionth time today "I wanna forgive you Judy but I-I just am scared that the feelings will come back and...and then you'll hurt me again"

"I will never hurt you again Shelbster" I chuckle at the old nickname "Judy Jude is gonna be right by your side"

"It'll take time to build everything back up" Judy nods and I put a hand on her shoulder "I hope you'll be there beside me as we do"

"Of course" Judy pulls me into a hug "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" We pull away and share a smile "To new beginnings"

-Rachel pov-
"So we may have our date planned already" I look at Santana surprised "We've both had ideas"

"If you still want us to woo you before we can" I look at a nervous Quinn "But we have a really great date planned if you wanna do it tomorrow"

"Against my better judgement I'll agree to the date" The girls smile wide and I hold up my hand "You still have stuff to prove to me"

"Yes mam" I laugh as Santana picks me up and spins me around "I get my date!"

"And I get the baby!" We all laugh as Brittany and Beth giggle in the pool "I love babies!"

"So when should I be ready for the date?" Santana and Quinn share a look of confusion "You didn't have that picked did you?"

"We did!" Quinn looks at me "It's...seven thirty!"

"I see" A put on a playful smirk and look at her face goes red "Who's picking me up?"

"I-sh-w-me?" She groans and pouts at me "You play unfair"

"Yes I do" I feel Santana's hold go fully around my body "What are you doin?"

"Cooling you off" Before I know it I'm being tossed into the pool "You look hot all wet"

"I hate you" The girls laugh and I smile "You know we all could get changed"

"I'm enjoying this" Santana motions to her body "I enjoy the freedom"

"What she means to say is she'd be doing this at home anyways" Quinn gets into the pool "She enjoys herself too much"

"Hey if you have an ego why not flaunt it?" We all smile and shake our heads at her "Oh hello Mama Fabray!"

I turn and see the moms sitting in the chairs in the same attire we are. I look at Quinn and see horror etched on her face. I chuckle as her mouth opens and closes.

"Mom?!" Judy looks at Quinn confused "Why are you naked?!"

"It's a nice day to tan!" Judy smiles and puts on sunglasses "I used to do this all the time"

"Quinn it's wonderful your mom is proud of her body" I look over at mine "But I also understand where you come from"

"Well if you two stopped staring the problem would go away" I huff at my moms response as she smirks "Remember sweetie! I'm a older you"

I roll my eyes and go back to swimming with the girls. It truly is a nice day. After a few hours we get out and hang out inside. The time flys by and it's dinner time.

"Well since everyone's here why don't you all eat here?" I see my mom look at Judy "As long as that's ok?"

"That is more than ok" Judy smiles and walks over to mom "Why don't I help?"

We watch the moms go into the kitchen "So" I look at Quinn "Are we still going to be together if those two date?"

"I mean legally yes" I purse my lips and act like I'm thinking "I mean if we get married someday and so do they..legally if I married Santana and secretly we did it as three way wedding..no one would know I'm married to my step sister"

"You chica think way too much" I pout and santana wraps her arms around me "It's what we like about you"

"Yeah" I look over at Quinn "I wouldn't mind a kitten schedule with special dates circled and stared"

"You'd let me put our faces in cats?!" Quinn nods and I jump up "I gotta get started!"

-Santana pov-
We watch as Rachel runs into the master bedroom happy. I smile happily as the door slowly closes behind her. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look over at Brittany.

"So where are you two taking rachel?" I look over at Quinn and Brittany pouts "Come on! You can't deny this face!"

"We are going to a movie and the a nice dinner" Brittany awes and I playfully roll my eyes "Don't awe me! I'm a badass!"

"With a soft spot" I glare at Quinn who just chuckles "You know it's true S"

"Yeah" I look down at Beth who's chewing on a toy crocodile "I'd love one of them"

"A toy crocodile?" I smile at how Brittanys mind works "I have several if you want!"

"Not a toy crocodile" I point at Beth who's cooing now "I want a child"

"Since when?" I look over at a confused Quinn "You've never said you wanted one"

"I just finally know what I want in life" I watch Beth as she picks up another animal and starts chewing again "I wouldn't mind having a little me running around"

"Yeah" I look over at Quinn and see her looking upset "I understand that"

"She's doing good Q" She nods and I put my arm around her "You did the best for her Q"

"I know" Quinn lays her head into my shoulder "Maybe someday I can have another"

"Yeah" I hear the bedroom door open and Rachel hops over to us "Hello beautiful"

"I have the calendar order on the way!" The smile she shows is huge and contagious "I can't believe I finally get to order these again!"

"They'll be useful" I pull down Rachel to beside me "Now sit down"

Sometime goes by and dinner is ready. Dinner is filled with small conversations and laughter. It's nice to have. After dinner we stick around for a little longer before leaving. Today was nice.

I walk into my house and see all the lights off. I sigh and walk into the kitchen. As I expected there's a note. I don't have to read it to know what's on it. My parents are gone again. I hear footsteps behind me and grab a knife.

"It's just me!" I look at Quinn who walks slowly up to me "You dripped your phone in the car"

"Thanks" She nods and looks at the note "So now you know"

"Come on" I follow her up to my room and she grab a bag out of my closet "Fill it and lets go"

"Quinn I wi~"

"We are going to be girlfriends and I look out for my girls" Quinn cups my cheek "I want you to be safe and not alone"

"Alright" I walk away and open my clothes drawer "This is just cause I don't want you to worry"

"Of course" I don't even have to look at her to see the smirk "Now hurry up so we can get home"

I get my clothes and put them in the bag. I follow her out to the car and we drive to her house. I say hi to Judy before we go upstairs. We don't talk at all. We just get changed and lay in bed.

I feel arms wrap around my stomach and smile. I move back enough for her front to be against my back. I could get used to this. I just wish we could have our Estrella with us.

Hopefully we can soon..

Forgive me, help me, be with me (fapezberry) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now