
268 15 102

First place in mythandlegend
Rewind the Classics Contest.

"Venti hot chocolate for Cupid!" the barista booms out from the counter where he settles the piping hot drink. Cupid had perched at the corner table, trying to remain inconspicuous with her generous coat collar turned up, and her mulberry-colored baseball cap tugged low; she always had a predilection to shades of pink and purple. Hopping up, she slithers past the other patrons gathered around, and snags the cup before floating back out of the crowd more stealthily than a spirit.

She nearly loses her balance, sidestepping an imposing figure with a cruel gaze; the color a curious green and yellow with a tinge of gray, and she felt her stomach plummet as if on the Demon Drop rollercoaster. Abruptly, she averted her face and cleared the brutish human from her thoughts.

Cupid's previous half of an hour was occupied by conscientiously observing the barista called Gracelyn, her only assignment for this morning. Her disposition embodied her name as she elegantly parades around the space, bestowing a smile upon each patron while delivering the legal stimulant that ritualistically jumpstarts many of their mornings.

She approaches the counter to add a cinnamon sprinkle to her beverage, establishing eye contact with the human next to her and appraises his aura. His energy is charming, and she yearned to pursue him around all day to experience a day as animated as the one he is bound to undergo.

"Cupid? Such an enchanting name," the gentleman declares while vigorously mixing the contents of his coffee cup with a stirrer. "That's truly your given name, or is it a nickname?"

Her beaming expression is dazzling, pearly white like a torrential blizzard, and the spellbound man instantly reciprocates with a gregarious grin, entranced by the pull of her spectral characteristics like a siren's song and a sailor.

"That's me," Cupid purrs in an undertone near his ear, satisfactorily watching as his eyes roll pleasurably back in his head at the sound of her throaty tone, "And you're -- " she leans over and inspects the coffee cup delicately, inhaling the terrific scent that is wafting through throughout the cafe of scalding water poured over coffee beans.

"Liam," the man confirms. Liam is not unusually built or noticeably good-looking but has a kind face with laugh lines wrinkling at the corners of his light gray eyes. He resembles the type of guy you would want to introduce to your friends, your dog, or your local florist to become intimately acquainted.

"Such a pleasure to meet you." Her fingers curl around his forearm, her plum-colored nails digging imperceptibly into his skin, and pheromones are aimed at his senses to keep him engrossed.

"Y-you, too," he stammers, unable to look away from Cupid's dark, hollow eyes that appear to swirl like a never-ending tidal pool with the destination of romantic bliss with that aforementioned dog and an idyllic ivory picket fence.

"Venti iced coffee for Liam!" A male barista hollers from behind the counter amongst the hissing of steam and whirring of blenders, effectively breaking the couple's heated exchange.

"Um, uh, yeah, excuse me a minute." After a few steps, he spins back, pleading with her not to leave just yet.

A knowing smirk takes over her face as she unbuttons her long coat and sends a tiny arrow singing through the humid air aimed at the imaginary target on his back without so much as a second glance.

"Oh, sorry," Liam apologizes to the man in front of him while smacking his forehead. "I'm not thinking straight — I caught my name being called and I was distracted by this wildly attractive woman, and I —"

The Perfect Blend, Man of My Dreams, Cupid, Grieved, Hermes and the SphinxWhere stories live. Discover now