An Autumn chill

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Shayne's POV
The air had caught an autumn chill the next morning when I woke, I spent the early hours reading and as the afternoon came I felt my stomach rumbling and sighed stepping toward the fireplace to cook myself some beans. Before I could boil the water I heard a knock at the door, "who is that?" I groaned walking to the door and opening it. "Annie" I nodded
"Hello Tide" she grinned holding out a basket.
"Mother sent it, she said you haven't been eating well" she frowned stepping into my door.
"Ive been eating fine" I sighed stepping aside to let her in.
"It's not very tidy" Annie laughed
"Neither am I" I took the basket and placed it on the table.
"It's near noon, have you eaten?" She asked
"I was an- noon." I stopped in my tracks
"What?" She asked
"God I have to go, I'll miss her" I mumbled
"Go? What did you say I could hear you?"
"Listen Annie, can you just put out that fire and thank your mother I have to go"
"I - oh of course" she said as I ran out the door pulling my coat over my shoulders. I ran down through the woods and away from my cottage.
Courtney's POV
I was strolling leisurely down the path feeling nervous about greeting my neighbours. I slinked up to the door and gave it a gentle knock and almost immediately it opened. A girls face pole out of it and seemingly annoyed she opened it further standing, opposing me.
"Hello, you must be the man who lives here's wife?" I swallowed
"Uh-oh I- yes I am, who are you?" She said proudly.
"I'm your neighbour up in the house up there" I pointed
"Oh it's nice to meet you" she nodded
"I brought this pie" I smiled awkwardly handing it to her
"Thank you" her face softened "my husband, has gone out but he spend most this time with me and the elements" she boasted
"I see.." I nodded feeing confused. "Well I would ask you two to dinner, but my husband is away and I'm not sure show long we will be here" I shrugged
"Husband? Ah" she mumbled, she was much friendlier now and acted more comfortably towards me.
"That's a shame but I hope you two are well" she smiled
"We are, thank you. I should be going but have a nice afternoon"
"Thank you, you too" she said gleefully waving me off.
Shayne's POV
I Stood cautiously near the tree and felt my heart lift as I saw he take her usual seat at the trees base. Between her finger tips she twirled a lock of her hair and with the other hand she held out a book reading the pages intently.
Once again I stood in awe, full of longing and heartache. The time I spent watching her felt fleeting and like a flash of light amongst my dim seeming days. This couldn't go on much longer however, as long as she was near I would be closer to approaching her and I refused to trapping her into my life despite the love I held. All I could do was watch and wonder what had brought her here, was she looking for me? I wasn't sure she would even recognise me these days, my face was covered by a scruffy beard that I hadn't the heart to shave. It was my disguise and kept me from the past. I had given myself another two weeks until I was to leave and find somewhere to flee from my heart.
And like clockwork I flinched as she stood and dusted off her dress before strolling back up the path, I walked beside her behind the hedge row until I reached my home and left her footsteps to continue away.

Courtney's POV
I was sat at the dining table once again speaking with my strange little group "I spoke to his wife"
"Who's wife?" Beatrix asked
"The man you told me about"
"He doesn't have a wife" she said confused
"Well he must I just spoke to her" I shrugged
"Are you sure?"
"She told me" I laughed assuring her
"Maybe it's not the man I thought it was" Beatrix mumbled
"Which man?" Walter asked
"The one who lives in the small cottage" I said
"Oh I see" he sighed
"It's an awfully small house, I wonder how they manage"
"It is, even for the likes of the town" Patricia agreed
"She was a very young woman, probably 16 or so"
"Strange" Walter said
Shayne's POV
For some reason I had found myself sat solemnly, remembering my time in America. And the details of my time with Courtney. The way she looked at the world and how she thought all it had to offer was so wonderful. I knew she would love england and it's fresh air, the loud and embracing people-with there can do attitudes and sweet teeth it was all tailored to her perfectly, I dreamt of spending the festive season beside her here, but I knew it was never going to be. Each year the village lit up with joy and it would be dusted in snow. I avoided the festivities and spent the time alone almost desperate to deprive myself the joy. I stood from my seat and stepped out into the now dim woods, the sun had almost set and the flowers lain to rest. I looked about my tiny dwelling and my eyes caught the small pot I had left laid on its side wheezing. Inside I had left a number of bulbs from last spring that I had planned move to the side of my cottage however I had been distracted. They seemed to have a spark of life still in them, so I picked up the pot and took it inside, I took a pale of water and poured it over the bulbs and then too then again. This time I placed them on the floor outside before stepping away and returning to them with a trowel.
Courtney's POV
After our meal I retired to my bed feeling swollen and tired. "Tomorrow I will take another walk" I yawned blowing out the lamp beside my bed. I slipped away into a slumber quickly and peacefully with the sounds of the great house around me.

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