Chapter 5

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This would have been a fine morning.

The sun was shining brightly, the sky was a deep dark blue save for a few clouds here and there, and the birds were as chirpy as ever.

Saotome Mary stretched a bit as she forced herself to wake up to prepare for school. As she finally mustered the willpower to get out of bed, she proceeded to open her bedroom's window to internalize the morning and get some fresh air.

She took a deep breath as she felt the sun's warmth cover part of her face.

She still had her bedhead and her sleepwear was kind of in a mess, but she didn't mind, she greatly valued moments of peace like this.

Having had enough, she closed her window and went straight to the bathroom to wash her face.

...which didn't take long at all.

The usual Hyakkaou student would have had to cross multiple extravagant hallways just to arrive to the restroom, or maybe they would already have a restroom inside their needlessly grand bedroom.

But Mary wasn't your usual Hyakkaou student, she was a scholarship student -- someone who doesn't have the status or the money, but has the brains to enter the prestigious Hyakkaou Private Academy.

Her family didn't have power or any sort of influence over others, they were just completely average no matter how you look at it.

As the blonde arrived in the restroom and shut the door, she sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Yes, this really would have been a fine morning.

That is, if it wasn't for the fact that she was now a housepet.


Mary clicked her tongue as she stepped foot inside Hyakkaou Private Academy grounds.

Normally, she would head straight to her classroom and maybe participate in a few quick gambles before classes start, but today was different.

She knew she had to make a stop at the student council first.

"Now that I think about it..." She thought, her eyes downcast as she walked. "This misfortune started when that Mibuomi transferred here, she must be pulling some strings."

Another thing about Hyakkaou aside from the prestige and the students who are mostly from the elite, is that: one, housepets aren't seen as people anymore and two, rumors spread like wildfire.

Mary didn't dare to look anyone in the eye as she made her way to her destination. With her status before, she knew the students must have already heard of her fall from grace.

"Yes..." She continued. "It's already too much of a coincidence that she transferred in with that Jabami girl at the same time. Could they be working together...?"

The blonde finally arrived inside the academy, where she was immediately greeted by what seemed to look like a grade schooler wearing a rabbit kigurumi who was sucking on a lollipop.

"Yomozuki Runa, at your service," the mystery person introduced themselves. "Looks like you have business with the student council, yes?"

Mary only scoffed, "Just take me there, class is almost starting."

Runa giggled as she placed her lollipop back in her mouth and fixed her platinum blonde hair, "No need to act all prideful anymore, Saotome Mary. It doesn't fit your current status."

Aware that arguing wouldn't help her situation, Mary decided to follow the shorter girl in silence as she continued to think.

"If that Mibuomi really did want to take me down..."

ironic || [Saotome Mary x femreader; Kakegurui]Where stories live. Discover now