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"I know this Jenkins dude has to have a record." Diego told them as Allison and Bridget were in the back seat and Five and Diego were in the passenger's, "We just gotta get our hands on this file."

"And your plan is to what? Waltz in there and just ask for it?" Allison asked in disbelief.

"I know the station like the back of my hand, sis." Diego shot back, "I've spent a lot of time inside."

Bridget snorts, "Yeah. Handcuffed."

Diego slightly glared at her, "Whatever. Here's the plan."

"Plan?" Five muttered, "I'm just gonna blink in and get the file."

"No, that's not..." Protested Diego, "You don't know the ins and outs of this place, okay?"

"I literally just did yesterday." Five shot back.


"My yesterday, not your yesterday." Five said, "It'll take me two seconds."

"Why don't I just go?" Bridget asks, "I'll just bribe the officer to be a barbecue chicken or not."

"Listen to me. You are not going in there. Both of you." He points at Bridget and Five, "Besides, I made a call." He looked at the car window then looked at his siblings again, "That's what a leader does. He leads."

Bridget rolled her eyes, "Oh, my God. Here we go to the numbers again."

Diego ignores her and got out of the sneakily. Bridget just leans on the car seat, "Why do we have a dumb brother?"

"You have to be specific in that." Allison answered.

"Fair enough."

"This is Vanya. Leave a message, I'll get back to you."

Bridget sighs as she heard the voicemail. They couldn't reach their sister. They both shared worried glances. She looked at Five who was leaning to the wall, thinking something.

"Hey, Vanya, it's me. Allison and here's Bridget too. We just wanted to..." She paused for a moment, "Things have gotten so messed up. And... all we ever wanted was to be a good sister to you." Allison handed Bridget the phone, "We're sorry if we failed at that." She chuckles sadly, "I'm also sorry if you felt the things you said earlier. But you need to call us, okay? We're here for you, Vanya. I love you, sis."

After they hang up the telephone, Diego walked in the scene, "So?"

"You're welcome." Diego muttered to Five as he handed the file to Bridget.

The redhead opens the file as she and Allison both paled in shock, Bridget was taken aback, "Holy shit."

"What?" Diego asked.

Allison let them see the file, "Harold Jenkins is Leonard Peabody."

"What does it mean?" Five questioned.

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