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A crowd cheering as the incoming car that the Umbrella Academy was inside was arriving. There was a band playing, crowd with banners cheering at them.

You see, the Umbrella Academy was famous. Envied by the other children of their age. They are popular.

A crowd continued to cheer as Sir Reginald Hargreeves elegantly got out of the car as his children followed. Bridget, as Number Zero was also on the passenger seats as her father was as she got out in a sophisticated way.

"Fire girl! My favorite!" The dark girl exclaimed as raised her The Umbrella Academy comics.

Carefully, an excited young Harold Jenkins slowly got too little into the limit of the area. Holding his briefcase, he slowly got out of the seven children's way.

"Number Zero! Number Zero!"

Bridget turns around as someone at her age grabbed her arm. A boy looked at her with a hope in his eyes. Bridget confusedly looked at him. The boy was wearing a replica of their uniform and a mask from a cereal box.

The boy nervously gulps and smiled at her, "Excuse me, I'm your biggest and fan and⸺"

But Luther interrupts the boy by grabbing his arms as the boy released Bridget, "Hey, hey. You're not supposed to be in here."

"Get back behind the barricade!" Sir Reginald scolded at the poor boy.

The redhead looked at the boy with sympathy but unseen because of her masks, "Wait!" She said.

Bridget looked at the boy, "Thank you. Your uniform and mask looks great. I'm sorry but I gotta get back inside." As Luther held her arm gently and they both got back inside of the Academy.

The redhead watches into her window as the boy spoke with their father as the crowd goes silent, "It's just... I was both on the same day as the Academy kids. I think I'm like them. I must be. I haven't quite figured out what my power is... yet. But maybe with your help, we can find out."

Sir Reginald bends over to reach the boy's height as he scowls to the poor boy, "You have no powers. You never will have power. Now, go home."

But the boy continues to plead at their father, "No, please. Just... I... You have to let me stay. I came all this way. Please don't make me go back."

Bridget was gonna go back and pleaded for his father to let the poor boy stay but Five stopped him, "Don't, Bri. The old man just gonna punish you for that."

The redhead just sighs sadly as she watches her father ridicule the unfortunate kid, "A little word of advice, my boy. Not everyone in this world can be powerful. Chasing something unattainable is a recipe for a lifetime disappointment and resentment." He grabbed the boy's sleeves, "So get off my property." And he drags the boy through the car as he closes the gate of the academy.

Bridget sadly watches as the boy being ridiculed and the crowd laughing mercilessly at him. It must've been tough.

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