My heart aches. I just hope they're all okay.

I stop the car as close to Allie's as I can and break out into a sprint. The back doors are open and it seems that the babies were taken in their car seats by paramedics.

As soon as I make it around to the front of the car, I can feel bile rise in my esophagus.

JJ stands beside the open back doors of the only ambulance in sight. She spots me and waves me over, and that's when I see the car seats inside the ambulance. Two paramedics stand over them.

My eyes return to the car, the blood staining shards of glass from the windshield...

There's a section of glass missing in a certain area of the windshield, directly in front of the driver's seat.

Kids first, then I'll investigate. It looks like Allie has already been taken by paramedics.

I rush over to JJ and she introduces me as the babies' father to the paramedics. Both Joshua and Winter are screaming their heads off.

"Okay, Dad. Good news," A paramedic with the last name Warren sewn into her uniform shirt begins. "Your babies seem just fine, just a little bit shaken up. We're going to take them to the emergency room just to be sure, but thankfully, they were fastened into their car seats correctly."

She gestures for me to come closer and I do, giving Joshua and Winter each kisses and talking to them for a minute. They calm down as soon as they see me. I'm so glad that they're okay.

I look back up at Warren and gesture back outside. "I'm going to grab my fiancée's things from her car and I'll head to the hospital— Inova is the closest, correct?"

She nods. "That's right. We'll see you there."

After I hop off of the ambulance, they close the doors and head off, leaving me with JJ.

"They took Allie already?" I ask her, feeling my chest tighten up. "Did you see her?"

She nods, looking down at the ground. "She was partially ejected from the windshield, unconscious..."

I think back to when she left...

"She wasn't wearing her seatbelt," I choke out, tears building up in my eyes. "She could die and it'd be my fault. The last thing I said to her was 'run away like you always do'."

JJ looks up at me, her features laced with guilt. "She'll be okay, Spence. She'll come home."

I shake my head, the tears falling down my cheeks now. "We don't know that. The odds of surviving—"

"Spence," She stops me. "Just this once, don't think about the odds. Just... think about the future with her. You guys have a wedding to look forward to, and all of the first words and first days of school with your kids."

"I was so horrible to her..."

JJ rests her hand on my arm. "What happened?"

"I didn't know she was home, I told her to go to Derek's. She was supposed to be there—"

"What happened when you got inside with Cat?"

I stare down at my shoes and think back to it...

The hurt in her eyes... the way she looked at me.

"She saw me and Cat, she... got upset. There was no reason to be upset, I... I was only doing it to get information out of Cat..."

"Spence," JJ sighs. "Think about it as if the roles were reversed. She wasn't supposed to be there and you two barge in like that— she was probably wondering how far it would have gone if she'd stayed at Morgan's. To top it off, she's still hormonal. Maybe she didn't rationalize, but can you blame her? I don't even know what your real intentions were with Cat once you got behind the door. The things you said to her at the roller rink—"

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