2.7 my junior boy

Start from the beginning

"See, he became my Jeeju as I wanted. Yay!" Laila giggled.

"The situation was like that." She did not expect her to be this happy after hearing the news.

Maybe, we were meant to be like this by Allah SWT plan. She thought.

Her chain of thoughts was interrupted when she heard the phone ringing with the caller tune.

"Woohoo. Your Husband is calling." Laila said grabbing the phone from the table and gazing at it. Hearing upon her, Naira snatched the phone and hurriedly answered.

"Assalamu Alaikum Naira!"

"Wa Alaikumusalam."

"Seems like someone was waiting for my call." He teased.

"No. I was not." She replied instantly.

"But I think it is like that. Anyways, Tomorrow our college is opening and don't you dare try to ignore me!" He spoke in a serious tone.

She pondered upon what he asked and then replied, "I'll think about it. No guarantees." She giggled. The old Naira would never have replied in this manner. But now, she has changed because of him.

"Naira I'm being serious!" He declared.

"Okay. I will."

"Em... Also, We boys have planned to go out for lunch tomorrow from college. Your class some boys will also be there and our class girls are also there. So, we will invite you and some of your friends. Will you come?"

"If everyone is coming yeah sure I'll come." She replied.

"We would be going to restaurants and we'll be giving you a lift as you girls don't have a car. So, I need you to come with me."

"Seriously Nayel?" She laughed and asked.

"What? Let your friends also join us in the back seat." He stated.

"I'm not coming with you. One time I came with you which changed everything and I won't ever forget that in my life."

"But was that my fault?" He asked as it was not his fault why they are in this mess.

"Emm, No."

"Then why blame me? And are you planning to go with another boy when I'm here?" with a fake hurt tone he asked.

"So what? It doesn't matter." she countered back.

"You are asking me so what? It does matter!" He roared and instantly cut the call.

Did he just hang up on me?

"What happened? Have the couple's quarrel already started?" Laila asked laughing.

"He is insane!" Saying this she pulled the blanket over her head and drifted off to slumber.

The next day they both didn't glance at each other and Nayel was the one who started ignoring first. She also decided to do the same and ignored him. At the time of lunch break, they all gathered near the parking area.

"Let's give a lift to the girls. Only some have scooters. So, others can join in our cars." Nayel declared looking at her but she turned back from his direction.

Shana, Farah quickly sat in Nowfan's car. She just stood there glancing at both the cars Nowfan and Nayel's. He was eyeing her to come and sit on his car. He looked so weird showing expressions with his eyes and indirectly talking. But she went towards her junior Sahla and Zari who was on the scooter.

"Can I come with you?" She pleaded.

"But going triple in the scooter is a risk. I'll go with them in the car." Zari said and got up. He glared at her and marched towards his car in anger.

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