➸ Title

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Right after a book's cover, the Title is the first thing your readers will see. It will set in first impressions, give them an idea of what the book's theme is, and (if the Title is good enough) will make them want to read more.

A good Title is crucial to drawing in your readers.

Now, how to make one? There are a few Dos and Don'ts, but titles can vary from genre to genre—even book to book.

1) Don't make it too long. A title is a title, and just that: a Title. It is not supposed to be an entire sentence. Abbreviate or shorten if possible. Also important: you can't go too short. A title can be one word. It can even be a letter (be the letter relevant to the story). Try to use descriptive words that fit the mood of your book. It is a description in its shortest form; be precise. Open up google if at a loss for words.

As with book covers, going that extra mile won't hurt. It'll help in the long run.

There are also many websites online that make up titles for you. There's nothing wrong with this, but it hinders the originality of the book. And to stand out is to be original.

In conclusion: though the Title may seem small (both in word count and other respects), that in no way downplays its importance. A good title in crucial to your story. Don't forget it.

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Now, what else makes your story good? What else makes your readers want to keep reading?

Editing. To find out more proceed to the next chapter.

Note: The Thesaurus is recommended to find synonyms. Ex: Instead of hot, use heat, searing, sultry, flaming, etc...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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