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"Hadrian Potter"

The Great Hall fell silent after Minerva McGonagall announced his name. Hundreds of students stared at him. Tension rose as he stared at his parents as he made his way towards the Sorting Hat. His parents sat between Professor Flitwick and Professor Trelawney at the staff table. The two great Aurors who had birthed The Boy who Lived. Not to mention the tragedy of their missing son had become a horror story to tell children. The missing son who now stood in front of the entirety of Hogwarts.

A cruel joke really. The son who was ignored before his disappearance. Even then, only after two months had they declared him dead. What would they think now? A team of the greatest Aurors were sent out to find him yet came back empty handed, stating he had to be dead, there was no way he could survive whoever had taken him.

The silence encased everyone has he sat down on the old wooden stool and McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat on his head. Everyone's breath caught as they thought where he would be placed. Would he be just like the rest of his family who had been in Gryffindor for generations or would he be an outlier.

Minutes had passed as the Sorting Hat had still not decided a house for him. Whispers began to run rampant as they all waited for it to be announced. That was except a certain curly haired girl. She was shocked Sirius was Hadrian. Had he lied about his name? Nevermind that wasn't the important part. The important part was that he was Victors older brother. Supposedly dead older brother. 

Looking to see Victors reaction, it was a face of shock worse than the announcement that he had to participate in the Tri Wizard Tournament. He stared at his brother who had now become one of the longest Hatstalls in the past decade. How should he react? Should he feel anger or relief? Victor couldn't even remember Hadrian clearly. Most memories of his brother were replaced with the Weasleys or his godparents. 

Unlike everyone else, some Slytherins sat snickering at everyone's faces. Finding the dumbstruck faces of the Gryffindors too priceless to not laugh at. Even the known Professor Snape who rarely cared about anything other than his potions seemed to be interested in what was happening. 

Soon, the Sorting Hat began to fuss, looking around at the students before humming quietly to itself. It's fuss caught the attention of everyone as they began to once again fall silent and stare at the two. For a hat it looked quite confused and reluctant, that was until Hadrian could be seen whispering to it. Without another second, the hat declared his house.


A small round of claps could be heard as he took off the hat and made his way to the table decked in blue. His steps echoed throughout the hall, every step he took was being judged, literally. Sitting in an empty spot between two students he guessed were in his year, he looked for his companions he had sat with on the train, sending them a small smile.

The sound of someone clearing their throat caught everyone's attention. There Dumbledore stood, ready to give his annual welcoming speech to the new and returning students. The speech itself was nothing new to the students, only the first years truly paying attention. Until a squealish voice interrupted him.

A toad like woman stood at the end of the table, making her way towards where Dumbledore stood. Her gnarly pink clothes suited more for a child than a grown woman. A smile sat on her lips promising things that was obvious no one would enjoy. 

"Thank you, Headmaster. For those kind words of welcome," she says as she stops in front of Dumbledore, holding her hands together in a form of welcoming. "And how lovely, to see all your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

Beside Hadrian, he could hear a boy sat two seats down from him scoff. His reaction seemed to be what the entire student population seemed to be thinking, with many students looking at the mess of pink with annoyance.

The woman then began to talk about the Ministry, letting a passive aggressive comment pass. Saying progress for the sake of progress must be stopped. Hadrian couldn't help but thank he wasn't working in the Ministry if these were the kinds of people he would have to deal with. Soon her little speech was over and she was sitting back down beside Professor Snape, who wore a look of disgust at the woman.

"You're Hadrian right?"

A boy with his hair in a bun said to him. He wore eyeliner and seemed to have many ear piercings. From what he had heard, Ravenclaws were supposed to be the 'prudes' of the school. Clearly this boy hadn't gotten the memo.

"My names Jake Keogh, 6th year."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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