“Sleep.” His voice orders softly. “Just sleep.”


I wake up with a start, covered in sweat. I don’t know where I am but wherever it is, its dark. In my panic I flail myself off the bed I’m laying on and land on something hard below with a grunt. The thing I land on grunts too and that’s when I realize whatever it is, is warm and smells like green apple for some reason.

“Hey, are you alright?”

“W-Wyatt?” I ask, scrambling to get off him.

Once I do I hear his movement before suddenly an overhead light flicks on. The room is pretty basic and the complete opposite of mine at Sasha’s house. While mine was pretty makeshift but colorful and relatively feminine this room is not.

A large king sized bed is sitting on a black mattress platform with a small black side table nearby. The floor is a dark tan carpet and the walls are also kind of a sand color with black framed movie posters on the walls. A large dresser is at one end of the room as well as a futon chair. I smile a bit when I see a Lego Joker alarm clock on the dresser just creepily grinning back at me.

Wow, is it really that early in the morning?


Moving my eyes off the alarm clock and on to Wyatt I smile at the look of his. His short brown hair is in every direction and he’s dressed in some plaid sleep pants and a Marvel t-shirt. His glasses are a bit askew on his face and his eyes are a bit blurry from sleep. I bit my lip as I fight the urge to kiss him but its hard when he just looks so damn cute.


I see the skin of his neck turn a bit pink and he averts his gaze shyly. See what I mean? Super cute. Looking down I realize I’m not in my clothes from before. Instead I’m dressed in a pair of pajama pants similar to his and a yellow Pokémon shirt.

“Wyatt did you change me again?” I ask.

His neck goes even redder. “Well it was raining earlier and I didn’t want you getting sick or something.”

With a nod I look down and I realize I’m on the edge of a makeshift bed on the floor. Wait, floor? Why is he sleeping on the floor? He slept in the same bed as me at Sasha’s why would now be any different? Then the memory of Smith’s Way, seeing Adam and what I did to him, comes into my mind. Well that would be a legitimate reason not to want to sleep beside me. He must be totally freaked out right now. I mean hell, who wouldn’t be?

“Look, Wyatt.” I sigh, running a hand through my greasy brown locks. “I know what happened…before, was really messed up. I understand why you wouldn’t want me here. I also get that you want to keep guard over me but I don’t need you to sacrifice your comfort for that. If you’d prefer I can just—“

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

A little shocked at his outburst I dip my head. “I just wanted to make sure you knew I’d understand if being so close to me was uncomfortable.”

“Uncomfortable? Why would it be uncomfortable?”

I frown at him before staring at my bare toes and shrugging. “Because of what happened with Adam.”

“Well are you planning on snapping my neck?”

I wince at the blunt question but shake my head. “No.”

“Then what the hell do I care about what you did to that prick?”

Pulling my knees up in front of me I shrug again. “I don’t know.”

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