t w e n t y - s e v e n

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Five years later . . .

"Wake up, Idalia! You're late!" I hear someone yell at me.

I slowly open my eyes, and I realize that it's Marina. She's resorted to jumping up and down, and throwing my clothes at me. I question why the fuck she's doing this, until I realize.

Today is my interview.

I look around my bedroom, and look out the framed window that shows the nice weather outside. Well, specifically at how light it is outside in contrast to the darkness that was present last night.

I run out of bed, and grab onto the outfit that Marina had rudely layed out on my bed. It's a business casual outfit, and perfect for a good first impression. My morning routine starts, and I do each step at 20x speed.

When I put on my clothes, I smile at myself as I look into the mirror. I feel confident that I'll get this job. I close the door to our small bedroom, and head into the next phase of my routine.

I have my dark brown bag in hand, and leave it on the couch while I eat a quick breakfast in the kitchen. I plan to just eat the first thing I find, which is usually always cereal since I'm too lazy to cook anything.

Marina's a fantastic cook though, and I'm thankful for her existance once again when I find that she has this elaborate breakfast plate on the kitchen counter.

She sees my excitement and says, "you're welcome."

I skip over to her like some uncontrollable teenager, and I kiss her. There go the same flying sparks whenever I'm near her. I'll never get over that feeling.

"I love you so much. Thank you for doing this," I tell her.

She smiles, and says, "yeah, yeah. Now make sure that you get that job. Hurry up!"

I, once again, remember that I'm running late. I practically shove all of the delicious food in my mouth in attempt to save time.

Marina is talking to me about how I should have set an alarm to wake up on time. I remind her that it wouldn't have mattered because we had slept very late last night, and I would have slept through the sound anyway.

Last night, we had stayed up late because we had been so excited to hear the news that Marina recieved. Her second studio album now has a release date. Eight months from now, her album will hit the shelves and will be heard by people around the world. Somehow, this album release is even more exciting because there are less uncertainties surrounding the release.

Her first album had been a huge risk. It payed off though, and she ended up reaching top 10s in the charts around the world. For this album, we're aiming for #1. And this time, it seems likely.

Hearing that news had been huge for us, because Marina never thought that it would happen to her. She never anticipated having this much success, and it was shocking. I recall the moment she recieved her first pay check after the album. All of the tears and happiness after we saw what her career had given her.

It also allowed us to buy our first apartment together. That took place one year ago, when we were fresh out of college. Since then, she's gone on tour. Like the amazing girlfriend I am, I put my career on hold in order to travel with her to each destination.

I was there for each show and each meeting.

I would stand backstage at the concerts in the small theatres, and I watched her sing and show the world her music.

Years ago, we had problems about our lack of communication. That's changed for the better.

In fact, she has become so good at fixing her side of the communication skills, that now the songs that she writes about out worst moments are sung by thousands of fans in the form of catchy tunes. I don't mind it, since she's immensely talented and I don't want to take away from her gift. Plus, it's better than it contributing to a huge fight like that time all those years ago.

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