Chapter One

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"Look at you! Right on time!" I said beaming at Carol. She'd just come out of one of the unmarked office buildings downtown. She had just started working for a local insurance company and I couldn't be more proud of her.

She rolled her eyes at me as my comment sunk in. Carol had a reputation for being late to everything but with this new job she was really turning over a new leaf. Every morning this week she caught the bus to work and made it on time. I didn't like the idea of her riding the bus alone at night so I picked up the responsibility of taking her home every night.

"I told you, I'm a new and improved person. I finally have a good job and I've saved enough money to move out of that small ass apartment. Pretty soon I'll have a car and then even you won't be stuck with me anymore. "

I laughed at her then. I enjoyed our time together but I liked the sound of everything falling into place for her. I knew I hadn't been the best company lately, spending the last few months locked in my house. I reached my hand over and squeezed her knee as I drove.

"Good things come to those who wait. Keep being patient and the day will come before you know it." I said, giving her a weak smile. She returned it, clearly not used to me saying something positive. We drove in silence for most of the ride until she started up a conversation.

"Tyrone comes home tomorrow. I'm not sure how to feel about it." she said while staring out the window.

Tyrone was Carol's older brother and had spent the last five years in prison for aggravated assault. I'd never asked her directly about what happened but I knew enough of what went on that day. Carol had been cornered after school by her track coach. She was smarter than he anticipated and had told Tyrone where she would be. I can't imagine he thought anything of it at the time. Probably assuming it was a normal practice she was attending. After waiting longer than usual for her to come out and not seeing the normal abundance of other students roaming around after practice, Tyrone went inside the gym looking for his sister. I didn't specifically know much more than that. Tyrone found them somewhere in the gym and through some series of events he wound up beating the guy within an inch of his life.

"It's okay to have mixed feelings. You'll have plenty of time to sort them out but just make sure to remember why he did what he did. Your brother really loves you." I got a smile and a nod for my efforts at comforting her. I was at a loss for what to say. Carol and Tyrone were never very close. He spent most of his time in the streets and away from home leaving Carol to deal with their mother alone.

"Don't think too hard about it. Just enjoy the kick-back and put your mind at ease." I said pulling into the parking lot in front of our apartment building. Carol nodded her head but continued to sit silently. I parked the car and walked around to open her door. She thanked me and we continued towards the stairs.

I walked her to her front door before saying goodnight and heading home. I could hardly remember a time in my life that I hadn't lived more than a few steps from Carol. We were fast friends in elementary school and living this close together only made us grow closer. I unlocked my door and stepped just inside my house. The silence of the house let me know I was here alone.

A great neurosurgeon, my father spent most nights in the ER leaving me home alone. I started rummaging around in the kitchen before I decided on take out. The one of the benefits of having your own car. A ding from my pocket let me know of a new text message from someone.

Nia ;) : Hey... I've been thinking of you.

I smiled to myself. Nia was this sexy piece of chocolate that I met downtown last month. We've met up a couple of times since then and each time she had me blow her back out. She was the best distraction from life I could've asked for. This was nothing serious, at least on my end, I knew I'd end up with Carol one day.

I frowned when the low battery icon appeared on my screen. Today I wanted to end up behind Nia. I searched my house for a charger before finally giving up. Carol probably had a charger I could borrow she was a bigger hoarder.

Nia ;) : I hope you were thinking about me....

Locking my phone, I looked around for my house keys before heading out. I was practically outside her front door before I heard the yelling.

"Carol this ain't got nothing to do with you so go sit in the living room! Me and ya mama gotta talk!" I froze at the voice that I heard from inside.

It was her stepfather, Jason, who'd been missing for over two months. The day he disappeared Carol and her mom came home to their apartment being completely destroyed. Dining tables smashed, couches cut up, TVs smashed on the ground; the only room untouched was Carol's. All of Jason's clothes were gone while everything else in the master bedroom was doused with bleach.

"What the heck you mean, you're beating on my mom! Put down the damn chain!" I could hear the fear in her voice. I heard the sound of a chain rattle and then another scream and I could only assume that was her mother, Mary.

Snapping out of my daze I rushed back inside of my apartment to find something that'll make Jason stop whatever it was that he was doing. I grabbed the shoe box I kept hidden at the top of my closet. I pulled my glock out and turned the safety off. I knew I'd be killing two people today but I didn't mind making Jason the third.


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