~who are ye running from luv?~

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"fucking whore!"

I ran as fast as i could, not looking back. My legs hurt like hell and i had no idea if i could run much longer. The cold autumn breeze made my eyes tear up, everything went blurry. I tried to wipe the tears away with my dirty sleeve but it just made everything worse. I was terrified, what if they catch me? i can't let that happen. I tried to look for a place to hide but my eyes wouldn't let me, everything was just a big blur.

"You can't run away from us bitch!"

Their voices became louder, im fucked. My breathing became more and more intense, it felt like my lungs were about to explode any minute.

Well... im about to get killed by three dickheads, the same three dickheads that have been messing up my life since i was 7. I mean...it could've been worse right?

What if i was chased by thousands of screaming teenage girls instead? Sounds like nightmare, i don't understand how famous people can keep up with it..

Y'know Ive always wanted to feel loved by others, since i have no idea how to love myself at all. For some stupid reason i can't stop but seeing an ugly mess everytime i look in the mirror, and the world seems to agree with me. Im ugly. VERY ugly. That's why the world is torturing me like this, sending bullies, fake people and shitty orphanages after me. All i can do is run, i have no idea where im going, i just want to get out of here. I need help.

it felt like i was gonna stumble across a rock or something and i almost did. My legs were trembling, im not gonna last much longer. I tried to look around through the tears, but all i could see was different shaped blurry stains everywhere. I looked over my shoulder. They were pretty far away, thank god.

Suddenly i bumped into something.


Oh no...i bumped into someone- Fuck!

I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I slowly opened my eyes hoping the stranger i just bumped into wouldn't kill me...

"Are ye ok luv?"

The stranger asked, in a familliar liverpudlian accent.

It was John! John fucking Lennon!! His toothy smile made my heart flutter a little

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It was John! John fucking Lennon!! His toothy smile made my heart flutter a little.

Then another familliar voice chimed in:

"John ye hav to watch where yer going ye fucking muppet!"

"John ye hav to watch where yer going ye fucking muppet!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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