Soobin nodded, "Makes sense... I'd do the same thing if I was you... I'm sorry."

"Hyung, you're fine."

It was silent for a few minutes before Beomgyu asked, "Hyung?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Do you see any family for the holidays?"

"Oh ummm... Everyone's kinda forgotten about me since my parents passed."

"Oh... sorry..."

"It's ok... Why do you ask?"

Beomgyu sighed, "I got cut out of my family."

"For being gay?"

"Yeah... My aunt told me that my parents should've killed me when they had the chance."

Soobin's eyes widened, "Holy shit... That's awful."

"I have to get an apartment... I feel so bad staying at their house this whole time."

"I think the apartment complex where I live has openings."


"Yeah... And for Busan, they're not too expensive. I can ask my landlord if you want."

"Oh my goodness, can you please? That would be amazing."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course."

It was silent for a little while until Beomgyu got caught in his thoughts and asked, "Have you gotten used to it?"

"To what?"

"Not being able to see your family?... I know that's a really personal question—"

"No, it's ok... I don't think I've gotten used to it because I never really got closure. But, I've found ways to distract myself. I don't know if it's good to distract yourself, but it helps me."

"How do you distract yourself?"

"Well, I work and I write and I draw pictures a lot..." Soobin wrapped an arm around Beomgyu's shoulder, "And I have an amazing boyfriend that makes my day better every time I see him."

Beomgyu smiled a little, "Tae makes my day better too."

"Then how about we go and distract ourselves, hmm?"

Beomgyu smiled and nodded thinking about getting to hug and kiss his boyfriend in a few minutes.

. . . . .

Soobin sat down on the couch next to Yeonjun as Taehyun helped Beomgyu take his jacket off.

"How was work, bin?"

"It was busy... I'm tired."

"Wanna watch a movie with us? I can make you some... ummmm... shoot I forget the word for it in Korean."

"What is it?"

"In English, it's hot cocoa."

"Ohhhh... Hot choco?"

"Really? I thought it had a special name."

"No... I thought it was hot choco in English too."

"It's different depending on where you're from. In California, we call it hot cocoa."

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