1 | love

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"Did you ever know that you're my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings."

-Bette Midler

Iwaizumi hated drinking. He attended a number of parties despite this, each with a table lined with beer and vodka. They were the cheap ones from the convenience store down the street. He pointed this out to Oikawa everytime, but he clearly didn't care.

Iwaizumi hadn't even been invited in the first place. He doubted any of the people there knew his real name. It was always Iwa-chan to Oikawa, and he referred to him as so when talking to his friends

If Oikawa were the clouds, Iwaizumi was the rain. Oikawa's carefree, happy mood was enjoyable, but they all knew that it came with the rain, no matter how much they tried to avoid it.

Usually, he sat on the front porch and brought his phone with him, mindlessly scrolling through social media for hours. Every so often, he'd look up and wonder why he'd come in the first place.

Then, Iwaizumi would be reminded of the painful truth. He wanted Oikawa's heart to himself, and what better way to do so then watch over him when he was freely giving little chips of it away? He had nearly become immune to Oikawa's flirtatious comments; his voice seemed to stand out just for him. 

But then the party would end, and Oikawa would always come back to him. The screen door slammed open and the taller boy, drunk, kicked at the plastic chair's legs. He smiled down at Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan, it's time to go home, right?"

Iwaizumi scowled. "Shittykawa."

He led Oikawa over to his bike and made sure he was sitting safely before hopping on himself and starting to pedal. "If you fall off," he glared, "I'll kill you."

"Mean." Oikawa wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi's neck, resting his head on his shoulders so that when he moved, his fine hair tickled the back of Iwaizumi's neck. He smelled like alcohol, mixed with his sweat and deodorant, when he was pressed against him.

They biked like this for two blocks, streaking past the other houses and shops, until a breathless Iwaizumi arrived at Oikawa's house. He pulled Oikawa off and brought him to the side door, heart pounding. Because even with torture he'd been put through the entire night, this single action made up for it.

Oikawa only kissed him when he was drunk, and Iwaizumi knew it was wrong to let him. He knew he couldn't keep living with these half- kisses. Every time Oikawa did what he was doing now- pressing his palms of the back of Iwaizumi's neck, sliding his tongue over his teeth, producing a low, purring sound at the back of his throat- only made Iwaizumi more desperate. The fact that they pretended it never happened when he was sober was worse.

When they broke apart, Oikawa's eyes were half-closed. "G'night, Iwa-chan," he grinned, and stumbled through the door.

The pieces of his heart that he'd given away earlier that night made no difference to Oikawa when he took them right back from Iwaizumi.

a/n yay it's a new iwaoi fic! this one will be shorter- probably around seven? chapters

thanks for reading!

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