~Chapter Fifty Six~

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Zaroon's POV

"Hey." Saad sits in the car beside me. I don't know if he's going to the engagement or not.

"You called." I smile at him.

"Yeah. How did it go with Maha?" He rubs the back of his neck.

"It's of no use, she saw me getting out of my cousin's car and now she's madder than before." I say.

"You shouldn't have done what you did then." Saad says and I look blankly at him.

"What?" I raise my brows.

"The bet, roaming around with your female cousin who clearly looks intrested in you." Saad says and I feel my head smoulder.

"Seriously? We all make mistakes Saad!" I rage.

"The bet, was not a mistake." Saad says and I feel my blood boiling.

"You are saying that?" I turn to face him in my car.

"What do you mean? Ibad and Meher got together and that is destiny." Saad says and I wish I could smack him.

"Destiny!? Saad it would've been destiny if you tried and spoke up for the both of you and if that didn't work then yes, it was destiny. You did'nt even try!" I speak fast.

"Atleast I didn't have a bet on an innocent girl." Saad jeers.

"And atleast I am brave enough to accept that I was wrong! I apologized. And I am manful enough to admit that I love her! Not you who can't even accept his fucking feelings for Bano!" I rant.

"Why do you care about her?" Saad raises his brow.

"Because she is my friend! Moreover she's an innocent girl who loved you but you never did shit!" I answer.

"Stop acting like you did nothing."

I roll my eyes in anger. "I never said that! Atleast I've apologized and all but Saad! You, did nothing for her and you should be ashamed. You love her! Accept the goddamn  fact!".

"I do." He sighs.
"I just, I don't know-" He starts sobbing out of nowhere. "You are right- I just can't do anything anymore. I could ask her to run away with me but she wont even agree on-"

"Running away is no way out." I say softly and put my hand on Saad's shoulder but he steps out of the car, wiping his tears away.

"Saad." I step out of my car and stand beside him.

"I'm sorry Zaroon- I just-" He sighs.

"It's alright, Saad." I pat his shoulder.

"We're both pissed at each other, right?" He softly breaths out a laugh.

"Very pissed." I smile. And truely, I am.

"The engage-"

"Yeah, I'm going." I roll my eyes.

"Then, go. See you later." He pats on my chest and slowly walks away, hands in his pockets. We're both pissed at each other.

I reach little tent in which the ceremomy is being hosted. Saad did not come and he won't either.

"Zaroon beta." Saad's mum appears infront of me.

"Assalam O Alaikum. This place looks great." I force a smile out. I can't believe when I look at Ibad sitting on the chair Saad should've been. Maha, Hiba, Jahan Ara and Saadein walk towards me.

"Do any of you know where Saad is?" His mother asks all of us and everyone turns to me.

"I- I'm not sure. I did'nt see him yet." I say and she nods, taking a walk to the left.

"What do you mean? Where is Saad?" Saadein asks.

"I was with him a while ago." I sigh.

"And?" Hiba raises her brow.

"He said he doesn't want to come." I answer.

"Jahan Ara, go check on Meher and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid like running off." Maha tells Ara. She doesnt even look at me, practically ignoring my presence.

"Zaroon?" Bilal, Bano's older brother walks towards me all worried. We all look at each other's faces, hoping nothing went wrong with Bano.

"Yes?" I gulp.

"Saad. Where is he? The ceremony starts in seven minutes." He asks and all of us take breaths of relief.

"Yeah- I don't know." I shake my head.

"Okay, we're bringing Meher out, so come along." Bilal says and we all follow.

Meher walks out and her girlfriends hug her one by one.

"Zaroon, is Saad here?" Bano asks and I shake my head in a no.

"Guys." She says in a low and sad voice and touches her left ear.

"I dropped my jhumka." She softly giggles.

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