Here ShE comes...

Start from the beginning

"They do not allow grandpa and grandma in the parents meeting, pa "chuckled liya

"Did Ajith's father and mother met the baby?, Liya "inquired her mother

"Yes ma, Ajith said they came and saw the baby. But I was unconscious that time. So I didn't see them," said liya with little interest.

"What? They left? They need to be with you, liya!! What are you talking about? "Enquired her mother with full of wrath.

"You know about them, ma. DON'T make me to think about it again. I'm already weak. They need to take care of her daughter's son, it seems. You know they are most important to them" said liya in an unsteady tone.

Ajith's parents will not get involved in any of their family matters. For them, their daughter is more important than anyone else in the world. They will go to any extent to make her daughter happy. They will not even mind of throwing a bunch of lies on anyone who crossed their route and will not think of troubling others to be on safer side. Ajith is just a pawn in their chess board who will be controlled when they need something and would crush him when their work gets complete. Ajith will not raise his voice against their parents, no matter how much they abuse him or liya. And like every other housewife, liya too will not raise his tone against Ajith or his parents.

"But liya..."

Her father intervened "She mentioned that she don't want to think about them then why are you making her to do it, Preethi "he now picked up the baby girl and continued "Mark my words.. ShE will bring colours in your life, liya. Look at her, ShE is looking as if she knew everything!!"

"I know it when I first took her in my hands, pa "said liya

"When are you getting discharged, liya?" Asked her mom.

"The pain is precise, ma. I think will be discharged by evening. Ajith is out there clearing all the bills and procedures,"

Meanwhile the doors swung open and aavnish came dashing and hugged her grandma, followed by Ajith.

"We need to name her it seems, liya before getting discharged,", said ajith

"What? Name her? In such a small time? But why? ", asked liya.

"Yes, they need to know her name for birth certificate. So it needs to be done. Thank god, aunty and uncle are here. Discuss with them and decide a name "said ajith.

Liya sighs, "That's awful!! I dreamed of naming her with the best name,",

Ajith consoled "No other go liya, just discuss with aunty and uncle, we have time till evening. I bet it will be the best name" By saying so he picked up aavnish and added "I'll get something for lunch and I'll take him with me, otherwise he will let no one to do anything "

As soon as they went. Liya's dad bursted out "savithri"!!. Savithri is a well known Indian actress.

Preethi throws a resentful look "You cannot name your granddaughter after the name of your childhood crush,"

"What? It sounds impressive, right? "suggested he. "Actually it looks perfect"

"NO WAY," Shouted Preethi. "Samyuktha will be nice,"

There is no way of stopping them. They both shot out different names.

"Sangeetha" said preethi

"No!! Pavithra"

"Swetha will be final " said her father nodding his head.

"I will not name her with any of those names " liya declared. "So, both of you stop now!! Let me think "

"Ok, you tell a better name "demanded her father

"Well, I'm thinking of it "said liya. "ShE was born on lord krishna' s birthday. so..."

Her father intervened "You cannot name her Krishna, ShE is a girl!!"

Liya nodes and suddenly something strikes her "why not Radha!! "She popped out in excitement

Radha was lord Krishna's eternal lover. The story goes back over 500 million years ago. She is the personification of complete devotion unto Krishna and is revered as the epitome of selfless love and service onwards Shri Krishna. Some also consider her as the feminine form of lord Krishna itself.

Her father and mother blinked for a second. Then Preethi broke the silence "It perfectly suits her, liya. Great choice"

"By the way, that too is a name of an actress "said he with a delight in his tone "But to be honest, it was a beautiful name. But still i won at the end "

"No one can beat you,, pa. Let we see ajith's opinion "

By the time Ajith was back ,liya told about the name and he was so glad "I told you, she'll have the best name. And we are ready to move home with Radha,"

And our ShE now becomes Radha who was now laying on the cradle without knowing what tragedy is awaiting for her in the upcoming years.

Thanks for reading!!
Chapter -2 will be updated soon..

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