Eva looked hurt, although her lips held a slight frown. "Amber, please tell me what she did."

"Don't worry about it," Amber told her quietly. She took a seat at the table after grabbing a spoon. She clearly wasn't going to get the chance to eat anything else as Eva wasn't about to leave her alone.

"Amber, why are you acting this way?" Eva asked as she took her own seat across from Amber.

Amber glanced at her before focusing back on her snack. "Luna wouldn't be happy if she walked in here to see us speaking," she informed her applesauce as she stared into it.

"Did she forbid you to speak to me or something?"

Amber returned her gaze to Eva. She was tempted to tell her that Luna had, just to get her to leave her alone. But she chose to do otherwise. "No," Amber simply responded.

"Then why are you acting this way?" Eva stressed.

Amber knew she was upsetting her, but she seriously couldn't find the strength to even be pleasant.

Because of this, she thought it would be best if she didn't answer. She proceeded to eat her applesauce. She could catch Eva's eyes watching her from the corner of her own. She figured if she blew her off for long enough, the girl would give up. But she didn't. She continued digging holes into Amber's forehead with those big green eyes.

Amber had enough, and although she wasn't finished with her applesauce, she jumped from her seat. She didn't say a word as she stormed out of the kitchen as loud as possible.


Amber was just as grumpy as she got dressed for school the next morning. She squealed as her shirt rubbed against her burns and cuts. After taking her pajama top off, she inspected her chest in the mirror.

It didn't seem to have healed whatsoever. Dried blood still covered the cuts because Amber was too afraid to wash it. She knew it would hurt like hell, so she was waiting until she would be forced to rinse it off.

The cuts which made out the word were deep and the burns were swollen. She instantly thought of Hailey and the fact that she would be dying to know what had happened. She couldn't possibly show her, could she? She knew she would want to take her to the hospital once more. Amber was only glad Luna hadn't realized she had gotten a cast for her finger while they were there.

She slid on her uniform shirt, being sure to not dare let it touch the word. Before she could do anything else, there was a knock on the door. Amber immediately thought it was Eva. Why was this girl so bothersome? Amber had healed her, so why did Amber's punishment matter so damn much?

She didn't have the chance to even make her way to the door when it was flung open to reveal Luna. Amber instantly cringed without thinking. She couldn't help but be fearful of the woman. She had so much power, and so much skill that Amber finally realized she could never defeat her.

She began to wonder if her father would be fine with what Luna had done to her chest. Did this make him happy?

Her thoughts were forced away as Luna smirked down at her. She had to know how nervous she was just by being stared at. Luna wore a loose and over-sized tank with a black skull. Her pants were a dark red, and to mimic the shirt, she wore black combat boots. Her hair was pulled into a braid to the side and in Amber's opinion, the whole outfit made her look like a teenager. But she liked the style at the same time.

She was beginning to wonder what Luna was doing in her room as it wasn't yet time to leave. Luna soon answered her silent question.

"We need to leave early this morning. I have a dentist appointment," Luna told her.

Tormented Mistress ( Book One )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora