Chapter 4: Nightmares and Comfort

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Alastor's P.O.V
I made Luna hot chocolate, I never really bought any chocolate powder, the only reason it was in my house was when nifty cleaned up my mess, sometimes I get too tired and call her to help me clean up the evidence, she is currently leaving with my friend Husk and Rosie, as I walked my way to the living room, I saw Luna almost drifting herself off to sleep

"How adorable" I thought to myself, as she was trying to keep herself awake I sat beside her on the opposite side of the couch I handed her the hot chocolate I made for her "thank you" she said in a very soft voice that I could barely hear, as she was taking a few sips she asked me the same question again.

"Are you really sure I can stay here?" She stared at me "Of course dear It doesn't bother me at all, you're my friend after all dear" I said the last few parts in a soft tone, I didn't want to be just friends with her, I never felt these feelings in my life, not even once, but everything feels so warm when she's here.

After she finished her hot chocolate she put it down on the small table in front of us "so where do I sleep?" She asked, well I don't have any guest rooms, most of them are filled with things and such, and I don't want to be a terrible host "How about you sleep in my room instead!" I blurted out in panic, How stupid am I? I'm a gentleman there is no way I could let her sleep in the couch.

"Are you sure? I mean I can just sleep here" she told me "Of course dear I don't mind at all" now I just need to give her and extra pair of clothes, since the clothes she used were damaged from us running into the woods "you can go upstairs now dear, my bedroom is at the right I'll just get something" she nodded and went straight to my room, removing her shoes outside the door.

I went into my storage closet, to get pajamas that no longer fit me, this probably could fit her, I rushed back upstairs and opened the door to my room she was sitting down looking at the floor "Dear you wouldn't mind if I let you use my old pajamas?" I asked her "Oh umm thank you? Are you sure I can borrow this?" She asked me "of course dear! You can even have it, it no longer fits me anyway" I replied I could just imagine on how adorable she would look like in my pajamas.

I left the room to let her undress and put on my pajamas, before I went downstairs I told her if she needed anything she'd call me, her reply was a soft yes since she was tired, she looked very beautiful than the last time I saw her, her skin looked so soft and her hair raven hair complimenting her beautiful blue eyes, I want to hug her and wrap her around my arms to feel her warm touch around my skin.

Luna's P.O.V
After Alastor left the room, I put on his red pajamas, the fabric was soft and comfortable, the fabric was made out of pure silk, and his blankets were too, almost everything in this house was red, but it wasn't bright red, it was mostly a dark shade of the color which was nice and was pleasing to the eyes.

I put my old clothes on top of the small drawer beside his bed I noticed that my hair was a bit longer than usual, I grabbed the scissors in his bathroom, and started cutting it to the usual style, I had medium length hair since I didn't want it to be short or too long.

I turned of the lights in the bedroom, and started falling asleep, the soft and warm fabric but my body and my mind easily to rest.

[Nightmare sequence]
[characters in this font are either dreaming or thinking or in their own thoughts]

"Mommy are you there?" The small girl called out to her mother, they were playing a little game, as she was the princess and her parents were the king and queen.

But her playtime was cut short, as a tall mysterious man walked into their manor, he was wearing a black suit with white stripes and a black fedora, he had a small rose on the small pocket of his suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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