And it took one stumbling to get there, but Jungkook was finally ready. Ready to express his feelings to Taehyung. He wasn't going to lose Taehyung, and he was sure of that. He wasn't going to let go again. He was going to fight for what he wanted, and Jungkook knew indefinitely that he wanted Taehyung. So when Taehyung walks through that door, Jungkook was going to tell him. Tell him his feelings, open his heart one last time, he was finally going to reach up, and grab that happiness that was teasing him for years on end.

So Jungkook sat there, almost falling asleep twice, but he vowed to himself that he was going to speak to Taehyung. Leap onto the taller boy and scream up to the sky how much he had loved him, and would continue to do so. Because that's what the both of them deserve, even if they didn't know it, even if they didn't want it, they were going to happy. And  in the moment, that's all Jungkook knew. To smile, to let the past dissolved away, ready for the future to pour into him. 

Half an hour passes, and Jungkook finally decides to get out of bed, pulling a bathrobe on his naked body. He sighs, cleaning up the messy clothes on the floor, before cleaning Taehyung's bed, and then walking around, pacing back and forth.

Where was Taehyung?

Had he gone to shower? Even if he did, he wouldn't have been in the shower for that long. Had he gone to get some breakfast? But the breakfast from the food hall wouldn't have even been ready to eat at such a time.

Jungkook was starting to get even more worried. But he decides to remain calm, gathering his towel, spare clothes, and some shower gels and shampoos, Jungkook heads out of the room, rushing to the shower rooms to find them empty.

Not even a droplet of water on the walls.

Once more he sighs, heading into the shower. He starts to wash of the dirt from yesterday, scrubbing his body slowly, thinking of Taehyung. Taehyung could have been anywhere. Jungkook sighs, massaging the soapy shampoo into his red hair, which was now starting to fade from his roots from the amount of warm showers he had been taking over the last few weeks.

Pulling on his clothes, Jungkook had rushed back to his room, thinking that just maybe, Taehyung had come back from wherever he went.

Jungkook readies a soft smile on his face, eyes dazzling, his body smelling like exotic fruits. He opens the door, his smile dropping to the ground. The room was exactly how Jungkook left it.

Like a slap to the face, Jungkook begins to see that Taehyung had run away from him, like he was a meaningless one night stand. And all in that moment, the pain starts to bubble and froth, slowly coming back to Jungkook.


Jungkook runs into the room, tears filling up his eyes, he chokes out a little sob, wanting to curl up into a little ball, feeling used. He stumbles to his side of the room, grabbing his small bag that he had brought along side his suitcase for extra things like medicine. He empties out the backpack, filling it with clothes, necessities, things he'd need over the next week. Because he wasn't going to stay with Taehyung anymore.

He just needed to get away, and stay somewhere else. Because he couldn't shake the sad feeling of how his happiness had only lasted a mere twenty minutes. And that was a sign from the universe. The universe didn't want Jungkook happy, and so Jungkook just felt like he had to accept it.

The cherry haired boy takes one last at the room, before heading out, wiping his eyes.

Jungkook almost runs to Hoseok and Jin's room. He holds in all of his sobs of sadness and pain until he knocks softly on the door.

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