"What are you doing here" I coldly asked to the man whole had left me and Darcy for 2 months without any sign or contact. The only emotion I feel is not, sadness but Anger. My hand immediately went to shut the door, but failed due to his foot stopping me from slamming it.

"Gemma" I screamed in the loudest voice as possible. I gripped Harry's arm with all the anger with me and dragged him in the living room. "Was this you" I spat pointing my finger at Harry in disgust.

"Harry" She asked question lacing her tone. I can't bare to be here I might be sick. "Tiffany wait" Harry tried to stop me as I ran off. His large hand was wrapped around me arm. I slide my arm away from his grip and stormed off.

"Tiffany why are you running" He yelled as I stopped in my tracks. I stormed right up to him and pushed his chest . He was clearly caught off guard because he stumbled backwards, running a hand through his hair he looked at me with pained eyes. What a faker.

"Why am I running. I don't fucking know maybe its the fact that you left me and your god damned daughter for 2 months. Of the fact that you said you love me when you clearly didn't. Or when you shagged Kendall Jenner that was a great one" I yelled releasing all the anger, and the hatred I kindled these past 2 months.

"You don't know shit Tiffany, there is a reason I am here right now" He spat as I turned around. I couldn't face him, I don't want him to see me at my weakest state. I muffled a sob not bearing his presence anymore. "Tiff please" He softly begged trying to get me to face him. Finally not giving a shit I met his soft green eyes, with my bloodshot blurry blue eyes.

"What do you want Harry huh, why are you back here. Did you ever think that since you moved on I have to. You left me without any noticed. You could of just said something before taking my fucking heart and breaking it. You know its not like this is the first time. You always do this and what do you expect me to be here begging on my knees for your forgiveness."

At the phrase of me moving on he shut his eyes a small tear escaping as he face me. His hand cupped my chin with a small sad smile. 'Oh Tiff how I missed you." What the hell does he think he is doing. I slapped his arm away from me.

"Do. not. touch. me" I spat each word sharp as they left my mouth. "You left this home you left me and your daughter. Don't you dare say you missed me."

He began to tug at the ends of his now long hair. The stubble on his chin very noticeable. "Did you ever think why I never contacted you" He said his voice at a lower deeper level.

"Because having a child and me was holding you back from your fame" I said like it was the obvious thing it the world because it is. A daughter and a girlfriend his to much for his image.

"Fuck my fame, lets talk from one normal human being to another. You sure as hell know its you and Darcy over everything. I would leave right now if that meant staying with you forever and you should know that." My heart slowly skipped a beat at his words. He would leave his job.. No Tiff he is just bullshitting you.

"That's not true because if it was you would of been here 2 months ago" I snapped causing his frame to stiffen.

"What did you want me to do leave millions of girl without a band to preform me knocking the boys careers over" He raised his voice. He really doesn't get it.

"So if you didn't want to disappoint them then why are you saying you would leave now. That would disappoint them now too. Just face it, it will always be them over us, but that's not enough. I need a man who can be here and take care of us.. support us. You will never be it. Adam has been there. He has taken care of your daughter while you have been sleeping around" I pushed into his chest as hard as I could muster.

He took a step closer... dangerously close. "Does Adam make you feel the way I make you feel huh. Can he make you get goosebumps by standing not even a foot away from you" His arms ran up my goose bump filled arm.

"Can he make you feel like its just you two against the world when he holds you. Does he make you melt into his kisses like I do" He yelled. I gulped down knowing the answer. Even though Adam is my boyfriend he can't make me feel like harry does.

I desperately wish I could call for Adam like I had for Harry, it would save me the heartbreak but I cant/ "He cant make you feel like this" Harry pulled me in for a kiss. At first I just stayed there not reacting. Then the pit of my stomach erupted into butterflies something I haven't felt since Harry left. Next thing I know I kiss back melting to his touch. My hands wrap around his neck as his gingerly cup my cheek.

"What the hell" Roared an oh so familiar voice.

"Im sorry I tried to keep him out" Gemma sadly spoke as I broke from the sweet kiss, and saw a frowning Gemma and a furious Adam.

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