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Right now Harry and I are both holding Darcys hands as we shuffle down the crowded street. She wobbled in between us. Her tiny feet tripping over the cobblestone. Every second me and Harry are tightening our grips and pulling her back up. We both stole quick glances while breaking out into goofy smiles.

She had a bright grin on her face as we walked. The sunlight hit the side of her face making her green orbs shine. Her curls bounced up and down as she hopped every step. Her shoes lit up with every step which was absolute adorable. She would not stop talking to Harry. Pulling him along asking him to most ridicules questions that he would just answer with a laugh. This is this first time she has ever spent time with her father.

 The weirdest part is that she never even knew he was missing,but now that he is here she will never want him to leave. That frightens me because its part of his job. Leaving for months on end to travel the world and I'm not sure if Darcy can handle that. She can't even let him out of her sight for a minute.

"Lets go get pizza thats your favorite yeah" Harry asked as I looked over. My heart warmed when he remembered my favorite food. Every friday night of our childhood was pizza night. We would come back to my house order a pizza and watch a movie. Friday nights were most likely my favorite nights. The simplicity of eating pizza while watching movies was a sense of comfort. I miss those days.

"Sure that sounds nice" I reply honestly pushing the loose strand of hair that had fallen in front of my face back. The thought of being with Harry seemed dreadful, the more time spent the more memories came flashing back. It seems as when he left the only part I focused on was the fool that broke my heart, not the fool that was my childhood best friend.

The fool the would kiss my boo boo's when I fell of the swing. Or the fool that would let me go first in line, the fool that let me have the last slice of pizza. The fool that was my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first time, and my first love.  He was everything to me wrapped in one. Thats because when my mother passed that fool wasn't there. I was hoping he would show up on my doorstep with a tub of ice-cream. Letting me cry my eyes out as he held me tight making me feel safe. But he was gone and thats what hurt the most.

A majority of the memories were good. I hate reminiscing on the bad memories because it does nothing but cause issues. Being here with him and Darcy feels like old times. The laughter being shares the spark flickering between us two. The endless conversation.  Thats what scares me. How close I already feel to him, soon he will just leave. Leaving me and Darcy heart broken.

"This looks like a cute little shop" Harry grinned as we walked into a tiny pizza place. An aroma of warm oven smell hit me as I walked in. A tiny bell following our arrival went off as we found a table. I grabbed a booster seat and set Darcy onto it. I kissed her forehead before finding my seat.

"How about we get a bacon chicken ranch pizza" He asked while looking at the menu. I shook my head "Darcy hates chicken."

He nodded, "oh alright lets just stick with cheese and pepperoni yeah" He smiled as I set down my menu.

"Sounds great" I smiled back as I fixed Darcy's plate. Tucking the napkin into her shirt avoiding the messy stains I will have to deal with later. The waiter had came over and wrote down our orders. I had ordered Darcy a chocolate milk as Harry stuck with water so did I.

Darcy had gotten a kids menu and began to draw and doodle. My hair was still damp from swimming and my cheeks felt warm from the sun. Rubbing them gently I noticed Harry was twirling his straw in his drink. He cleared his throat before starting conversation.

Baby [H.S]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt