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"Hurry up slow poke" I yelled back to my friend Georgie who was typing away on her phone. Georgie is someone who I work with, im in designing so we design together.

"Im coming im coming" She called out as she threw her phone into the bag. She quickened her pace before she finally met up with me.

"How about Panera sound good" I asked rounding the corner. "Oh I could really go for a salad lets go" She swung her bag as I saw Panera in the distance.

My scarf was blowing in my face as my hat almost blew of. This weather I swear. I wonder how my baby is doing. Anne is taking care of her again. I am so grateful for her.

It seems as the weeks go by the more days I spend away from Darcy become greater. I don't want that to be a habit.

"Here we are" She sung as she held the door open for me. I walked in and was greeted with the smell of fresh bread.

We both walked up to the counter and ordered our food. "So we haven't talked in a while we need to catch up" She said while pouring her drink.

"There is alot to talk about" I laughed as my buzzer went off. "Hold on" I muttered as I ran up to get my food. My soup and salad looked so good yes.

"So whats been going on" she flipped her sunglasses off as we say down.

"Well for starters I went to Florida" I joked as she nodded her head. "Im aware considering you left me to work by myself" She mockingly pouted.

"Anyways. I ended up running into Harry" I shoved a spoonful of soup into my mouth. Her mouth gaped open as I just wiped my mouth off with a napkin.

"Harrys is in the famous one who was your Ex then left you and who is also you baby daddy" She gaped while leaning in for more details.

"Mhm at first I was pissed. Then he found our Darcy was his then he insisted on staying" I spoke while sipping my water

"So hows that going" She asked with curiosity. I shook my head back and forth complimenting on which words to choose.

"Well he took me out on a date. Very similar to our first. We kissed a couple times. It honestly was great. He is so good with Darcy. It all seems to good to be true" I frowned as her grin grew wider.

"Ahh did you give him the good" She teased while wiggling her eyebrows. "Well he is the father of my child but not recently." I winked as she let out a chuckle.

"Im just being cautious seeing how things play out" I tell her as she nods. "oh I get you girl trust me, but on another note Debby needs an idea for work" She sighed while ripping out her notebook.

Debby was our very cranky boss. Clearly single due to the crankiness well thats what I assume.

"Well I have an idea" I think back as she begins to write notes.

"How about a clothing line for woman of all sizes. I see all these runway models who are twigs. Did you know Marilyn Monroe was a size 14. I think this could be a real eye opener cause alot of attention. Plus it would be a statement. That all sizes could be beautiful" I grinned as she nodded eagerly.

"Tiff that's perfect" She squealed as several people looked our ways. "Sorry" She said hushed.

"We need to pitch this soon we can call the clothing line, imperfection is perfection. This is brilliant Deb will just eat this up" She cheered

"Glad I could be at your service" I let out a laugh as she joined in. We sat there just laughing until we got back to reality.

"But seriously Tiff, this could be it. I need to email Deb we can schedule a meeting for Wednesday, alright. Now i got to ruin, I have to give some swatches to Jen it was nice eating with you. We should do this more. See ya" She said as she slung her bag over her shoulder. She grabbed a few papers left on the table before giving me a small wave.

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