Chapter Two -finally-

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The art is not mine. Just something I found on Google, enjoy :)
7 years later

Ruki's P.O.V

I watched as the blood dripped from the cuts on my arm. The tears fell down my cheeks and the door opened. "Ruki, not again." The nurse, Namie, sighed and took the knife from me. An older nurse entered the room and made Namie leave the room. The older nurse, Grelod, pulled me to the little bathroom and cleaned the cuts. She wrapped my arm in a bandage and pushed me back towards my bed. "Fucking brat." She mumbled and I sighed.
"My mother gave me up you know.mi was 3. She stopped loving me because the little bitch, Kai, was born. She was supposed to love me again after that bitch died."
"Ruki, you forced airplane parts down his throat! Your a sociopath. Your a murderer! Why would anyone ever love you. Your lucky I'm so kind to you or your ass would be dead." Grelod yelled and I sighed. I bit my lip and laid down on my bed, my back to her. "I know Grelod." I whispered and she smacked the back of my head. "I know Grelod, you the kindest person I've ever known." I said and she laughed. "Your damn right."
When Grelod left the room I rolled over onto my back. I stared up at the ceiling and sighed. It's been seven years. Seven years since I killed Kai. Seven years since I was saved from Kenji. Seven years since I was put here. Three years that Morota, my room mate, came here. Three years since I was raped again. For the past three years, Morota has raped me everynight. Even some of the male nurses have raped me during check ups. They pay he guard to turn off the camera in my room. I know I was a kid, but why couldn't they have just given me a lethal injection or some shit?
"I see Grelod the bitch is gone." I sat up, staring at one of the male nurses. He was smiling at me. He entered the room and closed the door. "time for some fun, Ruki." He said and I bit my lip.

*a week later*

I stared out my window. I smiled as cherry blossoms flew in the wind. It's been so peaceful lately. Morota killed himself, those guys who raped me were fired. But Grelod still hits me. Still yells at me. I heard the door open but paid it no mind. It shut and I heard the sound of heels as the person walked into the room. "Ruki, son?" I heard a woman's voice. I turned to see my mother. I walked towards her. I know I'm short but she's shorter, it's almost funny. Mother hugged me and I hesitantly hugged her back.
"Mommy." I choked on the word. "Im sorry, mommy." I bit my lip. When she pulled from the hug she looked me over. "Your so thin. What have they been doing to you?" She asked and I sighed.
"They beat me and they yell at me. For the past three years I've been raped by male nurses and my old roommate. They all treated me worse than the others because I can't feel like that do. They didn't give me enough food to satisfy my hunger so eventually I stopped eating." I said and she stared at my bandaged wrists.
"My poor baby boy." Mother said and began packing what clothes I had. "Your coming home." She said and closed the small suitcase. She grabbed my hand and led me out of the room.
I entered the house. I remember the last time I was here, I was hated. I was the bastard child. The one who had no feelings. The one who murdered Kai. I looked around, no photos of Kai, Kenji or father. "Where's all the photos?" I asked and she sighed. "Five years ago, your father and I got a divorce. Kenji is still locked up for raping you. Kai...he's gone. So why keep up reminders of the painful memories?" She said and led me upstairs. Kenji's old room door was open. It was neat, a guitar sat in the corner next to a desk covered with papers. This isn't the way I remembered it. "That's Reita's room. He'll be home soon. His mother was a good friend of mine. She left me custody in her will because they had no other family. Reita's father died when he was young. As for the grandparents, his mother never spoke of them. Anyway, he's living here because she got in an accident. Went into a coma for a while then died. So he's living here until he is stable enough to live on his own. He's only two years older than you." She said and I continued to stare at the objects in the room. The bed was made neatly and everything was organized.
I followed mother to the end of the hallway to my old room. She opened the door. I stared into the room. The walls were painted a dark blue, a desk in one corner of the room. The a bed with a black comforter. My teddy bear sat on the bed. "I got rid of the toys you didn't like. The ones you played with are in the box. You can sort through them. All your clothes that were too small were taken to a thrift store. We can go shopping if you want." Mother said and I walked towards the box. I sat on the ground and opened it. There weren't many toys. Just some plastic, realistic horses, bother teddy bear, a toy dog, and a toy snow tiger. I stared at the objects. I smiled and grabbed the tiger, I hugged it to my chest. "You can keep it all, if you want." Mother said and I nodded. I sat the horses on a dresser that was beside the door, placing them in certain spots. I put the snow tiger behind the horses, on top of the dresser. I grabbed the small dog and sat it on the desk. I grabbed the bear and set it next to the dog. "I'm going to make lunch." Mom said and left the room.
I sat on my bed and grabbed the teddy bear that mother had put there. I stared at it. I kept feeling like I was being watched so I looked up. A tall boy with blonde hair was standing in the doorway. This must be Reita. "Hi." I smiled and he bit his lip. "So your Ruki." He said, he didn't seem to thrilled to meet me. "You must be Reita." I replied and he shrugged. Reita left the room without saying another word. He closed my door.

*a month later*

I've been back home for a month and Reita hasn't talked to me since the time we met. He acts like he doesn't even want to be around me. I exited the school and walked home with Reita. The walk was silent and slightly awkward. We entered the house, mom was still at work. "Reita, at least talk to me." I said and he headed upstairs. I followed him. Before he went into his room I grabbed his shoulder, he turned and grabbed my shoulders, slamming against the wall. "Don't fucking touch me. I know what your capable of. And from what I've heard, your just fucking crazy." He said and I pushed him away.
"Well forgive me for being raped by my older brother every night for a year. Forgive me for wanting revenge on the person who caused my parents to ignore me while they praised him for every little thing!" I shouted and he stared blankly back at me. "What? Never heard the truth for how I acted? Just went with some bullshit rumor you heard?" I asked and he sighed, then he nodded. "Next time just ask for the truth. Don't just go by a rumor, ask the truth." I said and he bit his lip. "Ok Ruki, what's the truth then?" He asked and I sighed.
"From the time I was 9 to the time I killed Kai, for the entire year my older brother of 8 years raped me every night. Mother and father ignored me. They loved Kai and ignored my screams and pleas for help at night. As long as it wasn't Kai, they didn't care to check what was happening. So the day he died, I had built a small wooden plane from one of those little kits. Mother and father ignored me. Later, Kai broke the plane and out of my built up anger I shoved the small parts down his throat. But sending me to that institute only kept me safe for 4 years. For the past 3 years my roommate raped me at night. The male nurses paid the guards to turn off the cameras while they raped me. The finally, my roommate killed himself. One of the guards didn't get his payment so he turned Ina video and got the nurses fired. But Grelod, the oldest nurse, still verbally abused me." I said and he sighed.
"I'm sorry, Ruki."
"Don't be, your sorry isn't going to take away the pain or give me my virginity back. So don't apologize." I said and went to my room. I laid on my bed, my back to the door. I held my teddy bear close to my chest. The bed dipped down behind me and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I rolled over, only to face Reita. His face looked flushed, but I can't tell with that stupid noseband. He leaned in closer and lightly pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss. I pushed into the kiss and closed my eyes as he began to caress my cheek.
Reita pulled from the kiss and laid beside me, wrapping his arms around me. "Why the sudden change in heart?" I asked and he kissed me again, it was more forceful this time. When he pulled away I hugged my teddy bear to my chest and snuggled into his embrace. I closed my eyes, soon falling asleep.
"Ruki, wake up. It's dinner time." Reita said as he was trying to get me up. "How long was I asleep?" I mumbled. "About 2 hours. It's 6pm now." Reita said and kissed my cheek. I smiled at him and we went downstairs. Mother stared at us, trying not to smirk. "Are you two going to get together now or what?" She asked and I bit my lip. "I mean, you like each other. Just go out already." Mother said and we began eating dinner.

Authors note
Yeah, Ruki's mother wants them to be together. Not sure how this shits going to turn out but at least I updated.

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