Start from the beginning

Nothing would change. She was a little ashamed for her big reaction before, but it didn't seem to bother Kit.

"Please forgive me. I thought you would treat me differently if you knew. I mistook you for a good, honest country girl. Now I see you don't want to overwrought a plain soldier." Kit added, searching Bea's eyes as he had picked up her recent shock.

Bea's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. Everyone here thought she was a princess, including Kit. She was considered a princess. Huh, how ironic. A servant girl mistaken for a princess. That didn't happen everyday.

Bea let out a chuckle, though it was so fake she almost cringed. "Little chance of that." She muttered. Kit looked at her intently, tilting his head.

"No more surprises." Kit was wearing a cheeky grin, his hand extended. Bea scoffed, but took his hand anyways.

"No more surprises." She nodded, smiling as she grasped Kit's hand. They had meant to shake each others hand, but both lingered, their hands interlocked.

She pulled away, gulping and looking around the room to distract herself. Which she indeed did, taking in the portraits of all the Royals so she could tell Cynthia all about them.

They had their own conspiracy's of what hid behind the mahogany curtains, but Cynthia would freak at this.

Bea let out a small laugh at the thought of Cynthia's surprised face. Kit kept her eyes on her, trying to figure her out, trying to figure out who she really was.

The Grand Duke was trying to do the the same. This mystery princess had shocked every guest in the ballroom, even the King himself.

The Prince was practically taken by her, when he should focus on Princess Chelina, and her kingdom. That's what the Grand Duke thought at least.

"Who is she?" The Grand Duke paced, walking into a room beside the ballroom. The Captain and the announcer at his side hurried to catch up with him.

He aimlessly walked past the guests sitting on grand couches, past the glorious rose bonquets and decorations, giving it no glance. He spoke with fury that turned the announcer's words into a stuttered mess.

"W-well, I was out of breath, your Grace. On account of introducing princesses to the royal..." His words became unintelligible, coming out in a giant heap as the announcer struggled for breath since he spoke so fast.

"Oh shut up, will you!?" The Grand Duke barked. The announcer straightened instantly, clamping his mouth shut as he walked at a fast pace behind the Duke. The Grand Duke walked faster, continuing his maddening pace.

One guest sitting on the couch overheard his words, waving her purple fan with a scowl. The fast paced music echoed through the room as the guests merrily danced.

The mystery princess was no where to be found, along with the Prince. That made the woman on the couch practically burst into flames.

The Prince could not be distracted by this princess, and the princess was an obstacle in her plan. She needed to snap the Prince out of his daze, but how?

Simply by exposing the mystery princess for the real girl she is and all the flaws she has. That will teach the Prince a lesson.

The woman observed as assistants ran through the invitations in a heightened panic, looking for the mystery princess. Hopelessly, an assistant shoved a invitation towards the Royal Crier.

"No, not her!" The Royal Crier scowled, handing the invitation back to the fearful assistants.

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