Is it Wrong?

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Is It Wrong?

August 7th, 2020

2:57 AM

Is it wrong to want to hold your hand?

Is it wrong to want to cuddle with you while you hold our cat, and the dog lays at our feet?

Is it wrong to want to go to Pride Fest with you because our gay asses want to be there to support others?

Is it wrong to want to bring you a bouquet of roses along with the cookies I've baked?

Is it wrong to want to spend every moment with you?

I promise that someday I will find you, and love you unconditionally. 


Whelp. Here this is. As you can see I wrote this at 2:57 AM on August yeah. I'm not gay-I'm  bi-SO THERES THAT :)) I kinda wrote this for my future girlfriend (who I hope I find someday.) Hope you guys enjoyed! 

💕💜💙 Emma

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