Dear President Snow

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Dear President Snow

January 17th, 2021

11:39 Pm

 Dear President Snow,

You understand my hatred towards you.

Your feelings are likewise.

I'm sitting here pouring my thoughts onto this paper while you're probably off seeing to the death of some innocent citizens.

Either that or you're torturing Johanna and Peeta.

That, my 'friend', is a huge mistake.

The more you torture them, the closer you come to your death.

You may think you can kill them, but you can't.

You will die first.

I will see to that.

The only reason you are not dead at my feet right now is because of my imagination.

I can think of a thousand ways to kill you, but just can't settle on one.

I will soon enough.

I hope you read this letter before you die so you know that my weapon isn't just a bow and arrow.

It's my words as well.

I am the mockingjay.

And no matter what you want, I am

Still on fire,

-Katniss Everdeen 

A. N.

Whelp. I guess I am no longer myself. I am now Katniss Everdeen. It's not really poetry, but I felt like it belonged in this book. 

May  the odds be ever in you're favor  

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