"Uh hey Tim. Yeah, the boys and I were just getting something to eat."

"Clary and I were just doing the same! We should all head over to Farrell's!"

I looked to the other boys for help. Mikey, Ash, and Luke were all running to the door. I caught Clary's eyes, looking for a way out. She opened her mouth with something to say, but was interrupted by "CAL LOOK! THEY HAVE A CANDY SECTION!"

Oh great. Just great. I was going to have dinner with my band, my worst enemy, and the girl who had been ignoring me for weeks.


•Clary POV•
So it was them. Cal and the boys were the ones at the movies.

"Clary and I were just doing the same! We should all head over to Farrell's!"
Oh god. This is not going to go well.

As the waitress was leading us to our table, I noticed that there were three seats on each side. Ashton and Michael say down across from us, with Cal in the middle. Tim had taken the seat to my left and Luke took the seat to my right, so I was forced to sit across from Cal.

The waitress came around and took our order. Ashton and Michael were busy betting on who would eat the most ice cream, Tim and Luke were talking about new guitar straps, and Cal was just staring at me.

"Uhm, is there something on my face," I asked Cal.

"Uh, no sorry. It's just that the last time you were in a dress was for promotion in eighth grade. This is history. Someone should take note!"

I laughed for the first time in a long time. It didn't matter whether or not Cal and I were ignoring each other. He still knew how to lighten the conversation.

"Wow, you actually remember that?"

"I would never forget that day! Our moms made us pose like we were going to prom and I was at least three inches shorter than you! I couldn't even put my arms on you without tiptoeing."

I burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that was hilarious. I think I still have the pictures somewhere!"


Once our food was passed out, it was gone before I knew it. We split the check between all of us and thanked the waitress. Right as we were walking out of the restaurant, Tim got a text.

"Hey Clary, I'm so sorry, but I need to stop by and pick up my little sister from my grandma. Do you think you can get a ride home?"

"Yeah, I think so! Cal lives right by me so I'll ask if he can drop me off."

"So sorry again Clary, but I had a really fun night with you. We should do this more often- if that's okay with you?"

"That sounds like fun. Thanks for being my Sadies date Tim."

"The pleasure was all mine." Tim leaned in a gave me another hug. "I'll catch you around school!"

Tim hurried off to his car. I turned around to find Cal waving goodbye to the boys. As Cal turned around, he noticed that Tim wasn't with me.

"Where did Tim go?"

"He had to pick up his little sister, so I was wondering if you could possibly give me a ride home?"

"Wow, abandoning his date on the first date. Real smooth."

"Quit it Cal, he had family to take care of. Can we get in the car? My legs are freezing."

"Whatever you say, my lady," Cal said as he was closing the door. As soon as I slid into the shotgun, I turned up the heat and found the radio station Cal and I always listened to.

We had a silent drive back home. I would sometimes catch Cal looking over at me, and I would keep joking that we would crash if he didn't keep his eyes on the road. That made him turn redder than a tomato.

We stopped by the gas station on the way home.

"I'm going to get a coffee, you want one?"

"Sure," I said as I got out of the car and followed him.

As he was paying for our coffee, I noticed he had a series of photos in his wallet. There was one in particular that caught my eye. It was the one from our eighth grade promotion. Cal several inches shorter than me, struggling to put his arms on waist.

Cal noticed me staring at the picture and smiled at me. "I told you I would never forget."


I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I came back from winter break, and I am adjusting to the work load. Please be patient, and I will try to update ASAP! (:

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