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"I will unless one thing, go back to O2L."

That moment, Kian Lawley was my lover.

I jumped out of bed and threw my wide lens glasses on my desk, I put contacts on my green eyes, washed and curled my Chestnut colored hair and threw on a crop top and skinny jeans with Vans.

"Andrea, hurry, its almost time." "Okay mom, almost ready!" My family was gonna go eat out with our cousins. I loved going out with my cousin because Addi, my favorite cousin, was coming with us. Her real name Addison but I like to call her Addi.

A few minutes later, they rang on the doorbell. I got my penny board because me, Addi and Peter were skating there because it's not to far.

My littlest cousin, Amerie, ran to me and pulled me in for a tight hug.
"Aww, Amerie, I missed you loads!!" "I missed you too, Andrea!"

"Hey Andrea!! How ya doin'." "Ew, Peter the devil has arrived." We both chuckled. I saw my other little cousin that was 7 hiding behind my aunties legs. "Dylan, I see you." He ran away. "I'll get you again little rascal!" I said with a grin.

I missed my cousins so much. They came back from they're 5 month vacation to New York. Damn, they're lucky. Me, Addi and Peter started skating. We didn't talk or made contact. Especially Peter, he took skating seriously but only his dad knew why.

Once we got there, we sat down and got on our phones and didn't speak once again. "Gosh, we're cousins, can't we talk?" I asked them. "Cute crop top." Addi responded with no eye contact. I groaned and texted my mom.

"You guys coming?" My mom usually doesn't check her phone but she waits about 5 minutes and then texts back. Finally Addi looked at me and Peter and asked us "Where are they?" I saw they're car and approached it. "Finally! What were you guys doing?" "Sorry honey, we were talking a lot!" "Auntie, where's uncle Paul?" "He had work hun."

Of course! He never got to see me and I haven't seen him in almost a year! I missed him though. We began to eat and the only thing that was bothering me was Peters eating. He was literally a pig. "Peter, eat with your mouth shut." I yelled at him.
"Who cares." He said with food spilling out of his mouth.

We finally finished after an hour and the 3 of us skated away. Again, no talking. we reached home and once we got in, I collapsed on the couch. "I have a stomach ache!" "Who cares about that?" Yelled Peter. I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see me because he was in the toilet.

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