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Nothing out of the ordinary had been happening, the sun slowly rising with the birds chirping. Iris and Asta had woken up early in the morning. Asta had been doing his daily chores, screaming his lungs out, and potentially damaging his vocal cords. With all the noise he was making, he woke up the whole base. Most of the members decided to fall back asleep and ignore him. Iris was the unlucky one who couldn’t no matter how tired she was.

Currently, both Iris and Asta were having a pleasant conversation. One of them was screaming while the other would for sure be needing a hearing aid soon. 

They were in the dining area with Asta sitting in front of Iris, both of his hands resting on his knees. He was as stiff as a board, nervously sweating. If he had learned anything in the span of the past few days, it was to be cautious around his superiors. However, that didn’t stop him from having a burning question in his mind.

Iris sat awkwardly, looking off to the side. In her right hand, she held a mug containing black coffee. Since she didn’t get enough sleep, she needed another way to get energy. Of course, she took note of the intense look Atsa had been giving her. The first thing she tried to do was ignore it and hope that someone else would show up. ‘How long is he gonna stare at me for?’ she thought. The more time passed the more it became clear to her as to why he had been staring.

“Is there something you would like to ask me?” She placed her bitter drink down, shifting her eyes to meet his. Both of their shades of green clashed against one another.

He hesitated a little, unsure of how to approach her. His mouth opening and closing several times, no noise coming out. Cautiously, he began, “You said you joined the Black Bulls a couple of months ago, right? Are you really the Vice-Captain?” Asta’s thirst for answers was the only thing that was keeping him from going back to yelling. Iris was surprised to see his voice so low, considering that he spent the whole morning filling the base with loud, piercing screams.

“Well, as far as I know, that seems to be the case. I doubt Captain Yami would be the type to joke about these sorts of formalities, even if he’s pretty laid back. Besides, I’m not the best at what I do.” She muttered the last part, feeling particularly gloomy that day. 

“Then how old are you?! If it’s that easy to become the Vice-Captain, then I’ll be the Wizard King in no time at all!” Asta was getting rather hopeful, not being aware of the restless nights that Iris had to go through. ‘If only you knew how ruthless Captain Yami actually is,’ she paled at the thought of the nights she had been forced to endure alone, fending for herself.

Iris glanced away from Asta, unsure of what knowing her age would do. After all, in a world with magic, age didn’t matter. As long as you had a grimoire and promising ability, you were old enough to fight for the sake of the kingdom. “I’m fifteen years old. Although, I don’t think my age will change-”

Not letting her finish, Asta chimed in, wanting to express his shock. “WHAT?! YOU MEAN YOU’RE THE SAME AGE AS ME?!” He couldn’t believe it. First, he encountered a captain that was merely four years older than him and now he met someone who could potentially have the same status in no time. Surely, becoming the Wizard King would be a breeze, right?

“Geez, no need to be so loud. How the hell do you have this much energy? It’s not even ten in the morning yet.” The ringing in her ears felt like hours despite only lasting seconds. After all the time she spent at the base, she still hadn’t gotten used to the rowdiness. 

“Sorry! I apologize!” Though with less volume, Asta’s voice continued to boom throughout the room. ‘I’m not gonna live to see another year,’ she thought, wincing at the headache that was forming.

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